This Cleve­land, Ohio group, named af­ter the in­fa­mous scum­bag nu met­al bros' very own sum­mer of love, has al­ways been kind of an, ahem… ac­quired taste, though al­ways a ton of fun as well, at least as long as they don't in­dulge too much in their weed, their Fred Durst, their oc­ca­sion­al ston­er rock flour­ish­es… and al­so, as it ap­pears now, their let­ting A.I. mak­ing crap­py mu­sic for them, a brand new vice in their ar­se­nal. That said, this pass­es eas­i­ly as their strongest re­lease to date and is noth­ing short of a must-have for any af­fic­i­na­do of in­ven­tive, un­pre­dictable and garage-fla­vored hard­core punk right up there with the likes of, say, Ce­ment Shoes, Cü­lo, Chain Whip, Head­cheese, Flea Col­lar… just to tick off a few of the most ob­vi­ous and thor­ough­ly flat­ter­ing ref­er­ences.