Pinko - Rats In Reverie

You & You, out De­cem­ber 13th via Hex Records.

Alien Nosejob - HC45

Alien Nose­job seem to be­come the kind of band where Aus­muteants singer Jake Robert­son on­ly does what­ev­er the fuck he wants to at the mo­ment. They start­ed out as a more or less ex­act copy of his more well known band, then it start­ed to get un­pre­dictable as they ven­tured in­to retro tear­jerk­er pow­er pop, among oth­er things. Al­so, we had to suf­fer through a maxi sin­gle of ul­tra-cheesy synth pop. This time they make it eas­i­er for me: It's hard­core. It ro­tates 45 times a minute. And it's very good.

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Acrylics - Sinking In

Af­ter a num­ber of in­cred­i­ble EPs, it took San­ta Rosa's Acrylics a good two years to as­sem­ble their fist long play­er, which - to no re­al sur­prise - turns out to be their most var­ied and ma­ture chunk of noise. Their am­bi­tious, but si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly al­ways per­fect­ly co­her­ent mix of styles draws a per­fect tri­an­gle be­tween the dark post punk of Crim­i­nal Code, hard­core punk of the quite pun­ish­ing va­ri­ety rem­i­nis­cent of Cü­lo, Hate Preach­ers, Im­pul­so and for­ward think­ing Post­core of acts like Ivy and Bad Breed­ing.

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Yammerer - Reality Escape Resort

Two pre­view tracks from this (prob­a­bly) british band's de­but EP al­ready made me kin­da hun­gry for more of their shit and now the record's oth­er two songs prove we haven't been promised too much. A sound­scape of rest­less garage punk un­folds, trans­port­ing a feel­ing of widescreen spa­cious­ness you rarely get to wit­ness in this genre - some­what as if re­cent Ura­ni­um Club met Ra­dio Bird­man and Mod­ern Lovers, com­ple­ment­ed by a bit of MX-80 weird­ness. Al­so, the epic clos­er Sea­sons 13-31 seems to have tak­en some cues from Wipers' Youth Of Amer­i­ca.

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Kumusta - Kumusta #1

Ex­quis­ite shit from Rouen, France. Ku­mus­ta emerge on the scene with a fun mix­ture draw­ing a line from noise rock & -core on one end of the spec­trum, some raw garage en­er­gy on the oth­er, a shit­load of post punk & post­core in be­tween. Imag­ine a fu­sion of slowed-down Bad Breed­ing with Crim­i­nal Code in cer­tain mo­ments, or at oth­er times, you might be re­mind­ed of Australia's post­core pow­er­tools Bat­piss and Bench Press.

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Big Bite - Trinity

Last year's long play­ing de­but by Seat­tle group Big Bite al­ready struck me as an anom­aly of the most wel­come kind. Now their sopho­more ef­fort comes across as no less bril­liant - once again breath­ing new life in­to a par­tic­u­lar 90s niche, os­cil­lat­ing some­where be­tween straight­for­ward, no-fuss but high-thrust in­die- and al­ter­na­tive rock plus a bit of shoegaze. Think Sug­ar, Pol­vo or Swervedriv­er when it comes to bands of the afore­men­tioned era, or of more re­cent acts like ear­ly Ovlov, Par­don­er, Milked or Dead Soft. Psy­che­del­ic mo­ments are giv­en a bit more em­pha­sis here than on their first, while in the album's fi­nal stretch you can sense a sub­tle post punk vibe of the Teenanger or Con­stant Mon­grel va­ri­ety.

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Plataforma - La Equitativa

Once again Barcelona's scene is killing it! Platafor­ma man­age to do just that thanks to a beau­ti­ful­ly rough, DIY-as-fuck sound in the realm of dark-/post punk with a healthy dose of goth/​death rock doom & gloom. Cri­sis come to mind as well as the ear­ly 2010's Kopen­hagen scene - think Low­er and ear­ly Iceage - and some more re­cent stuff like britain's Dis­joy.

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Girls In Synthesis - Arterial Movements 7"

While their last EP Fan The Flames didn't ap­peal to me as much as i hoped for, their newest 7" shows London's Girls In Syn­the­sis at their best. Just like be­fore, their sound is a skilled bal­anc­ing act on the thresh­old be­tween post punk and noise rock, thus op­er­at­ing in much of the same realm as Bands like USA Nails, Tu­nic or John (timest­wo), among oth­ers. The def­i­nite high­light here is Smart­ing with its kin­da Big Black-es­que way of gui­tar shred­ding.

Black Button - Demo

This band from Rich­mond, Vir­ginia gives us an­oth­er ten min­utes of pissed off and ex­quis­ite no-frills garage punk just drip­ping with loads of raw hard­core en­er­gy.

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