Af­ter a num­ber of in­cred­i­ble EPs, it took San­ta Rosa's Acrylics a good two years to as­sem­ble their fist long play­er, which - to no re­al sur­prise - turns out to be their most var­ied and ma­ture chunk of noise. Their am­bi­tious, but si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly al­ways per­fect­ly co­her­ent mix of styles draws a per­fect tri­an­gle be­tween the dark post punk of Crim­i­nal Code, hard­core punk of the quite pun­ish­ing va­ri­ety rem­i­nis­cent of Cü­lo, Hate Preach­ers, Im­pul­so and for­ward think­ing Post­core of acts like Ivy and Bad Breed­ing.