Bog Shed - Summer In My Lunchtime

The Of­fi­ci­al Bog-Set er­scheint am 9. De­zem­ber auf Me­lo­dic Re­cords.

John - Theme New Bond Junior

The­me New Bond Ju­ni­or /​ Hop­per on the Dial 7" er­scheint am 14. Ja­nu­ar auf Brace Yours­elf Re­cords & Pets Ca­re Re­cords

Smirk - Souvenir

Ma­te­ri­al er­scheint am 18. No­vem­ber.

Stuck - Do Not Reply

Under The Clothesline - Speed Only

Flow Vo­ids er­scheint am 29. Ok­to­ber auf Kil­ler To­fu Re­cords.

Blacklisters - Leisure Centre

Lei­su­re Cent­re er­scheint am 29. Ok­to­ber auf Ex­plo­ding In Sound Re­cords.

Dogsnotgods - Only Us

Verspannungskassette #44 (C-90)

Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Kill Mo­no
Die TV Sticks Around
The Wolf­man­hat­tan Pro­ject Count­down Love
Ke­ro­se­ne Kream Mind Kil­ler
Roo Staf­ford Ans­we­ring Ma­chi­ne
In De Nad­fin Rock 'n' Nasty
Si­li­con He­art­beat Bo­red To De­ath
Mag­got House Ta­ke a Bi­te
Met­dog When I Look Around
Nur­se Joy Al­pha Gal
Cher­ry Cheeks ACAB
Bil­liam Sick Of Be­ing Haun­ted
Game Set Match Free Li­ving

The Stools Fa­scist Cu­pid
Tri­ple Lutz R.I.D.
Toe­heads Pain­kil­ler
Cruel­house Slan­der Yrs­elf
Cold Com­fort Go Long
Su­tros Gra­ve­sit­ter
Back­hand Your House And Mi­ne
Fuck­Fuck­Fuck Bad Ha­bits
Di­sci­pli­na Li­mitar Nun­ca Es­tu­vis­te Y Nun­ca Vas A Estar (2ª Par­te)
Me­al Ser­ve Fo­re­ver
Fen Fen Je­sus Freak
Split Sys­tem It Ain't You

Egg Idi­ot No­se War­ri­ors
Hog My He­art Is A Hot­line
Ro­do­den­drons Hun­ger
Po­lu­te Stoned Ri­der
Zi­kin Ka­katz­an atra­pa­ta
To­tal Sham Kill Me Be­fo­re
Go­ril­la Knif­e­fight Idio­cra­cy
Dumps­ter Rats Witch’s Brew
Sho­ve De­ath Ad­min Ma­chi­ne
Hot­mom Ding Dang Mu­sic!
Girls In Syn­the­sis To­tal Con­trol

Me­at Wa­ve What Would You Li­ke Me to Do
Kill Your Boy­fri­end The Man in Black
Pri­va­te Li­ves Head/​Body
D.B.R. Fight
Lounge Tou­rist Esuna
Ma­gic Shop­pe A Star Turns Blue
Alu­mi­num Red & Gold
Wet­nap Strick­land
Sweet Tee­th Too Good
Mi­cha­el Beach Out in a Bur­ning Al­ley