Polute - Polute

An­oth­er aus­tralian su­per­group made up of folks who gave us, among oth­ers, the won­ders of C.O.F.F.I.N, White Dog, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp, Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Stiff Richards, Split Sys­tem and Cut­ters - a fuckin' who's who of re­cent garage punk good­ness down un­der. Of course Po­lute de­liv­ers the goods, with a twist though as there's a strong old­school "heavy"-/speed met­al vibe im­print­ed here on the fa­mil­iar garage punk sound, re­mind­ing me of fair­ly re­cent acts á la Taran­tüla, Ce­ment Shoes and even the in­cred­i­ble Poi­son Ruïn may serve as a vi­able com­par­i­son - dun­geon dwellers will ap­prove for sure.

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Cherry Cheeks - Cherry Radio

You can't ever go wrong with an­oth­er EP by Orlando's melod­ic synth-, garage- and post punk pow­er­house Cher­ry Cheeks who achieved some kind of punk rock qua­si-night­hood last year as sig­ni­fied by their first LP be­ing re­leased on To­tal Punk. The newest self-re­leased bunch of tracks de­liv­ers more of the same catchy good­ness with slight sim­i­lar­i­ties to groups like Freak Genes, Pow­er­plant, Trash­dog, Warm Ex­it, Alien Nose­job and Set-Top Box.

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Private Lives - Private Lives

This mon­tre­al group's de­but EP de­lights with a batch of fair­ly melod­ic, sim­ple-and-ef­fec­tive lit­tle smash­ers in the realm of garage pop, fuzz- and post punk re­mind­ing me of a par­tic­u­lar clus­ter of groups from a few years ago in­clud­ing acts such as Fea­ture, Neg­a­tive Scan­ner, Slow­coach­es and UV-TV. Al­so, in Get Loose, there's a dis­tinct Wire vibe at play here and y'all know i'm a suck­er for that kind of shit.

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Cold Comfort - Maximum Effort

A neat and ex­plo­sive lit­tle pack­age, this EP by some Nor­wich, UK dude com­ing across like a healthy mid­dle ground be­tween garage groups rough­ly ad­her­ing to the Sauna Youth, Ex-Cult, Tyvek or Sweet Reaper for­mu­la and the fuzz punk sytylings of ear­ly 2010s groups á la Wavves or Male Bond­ing.

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Split System - Vol.1

The first full length of the Mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of Stiff Richards, Speed Week and front­ed by the fab­u­lous Jack­son Reid Brig­gs eas­i­ly ex­ceeds all ex­pec­ta­tions. Sound-wise you know what you're in for - straight­for­ward yet elab­o­rate garage punk from an un­mis­tak­ably aus­tralian lin­eage, a ful­ly ma­tured sound be­ing dri­ven forth with un­re­lent­ing en­er­gy in the more sim­ple, riff-heavy mid­dle stretch while the old­school songcraft on dis­play in tunes such as It Aint You, De­mo­li­tion and Time Killer is noth­ing short of spec­tac­u­lar!

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Egg Idiot - Help!

More in­san­i­ty to make your brain hurt from that cer­tain Leipzig garage-/synth punk out­fit fuck­ing around, as the name would sug­gest, on­ly in the eggi­est cor­ners of eggdom. Full of hooks and catchy most of the time, weird as fuck all of the time. Friends of shit á la Nuts, Set-Top Box, Met­dog, Nubot555 and Dee Bee Rich are gonna have an­oth­er ball with this.

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Headcheese - Best Before 2022

This group from Kaloomps, BC, Cana­da de­liv­ers a joy­ous lit­tle ride around the weird­er fringes of ear­ly-to-mid 80s hard- and post­core with some mean funky grooves thrown in as well as that cer­tain garage punk ad­di­tive and - to make the mess per­fect - giv­en a thor­ough KBD-style fuck­over. Al­so not too far off from some­what re­cent groups in the vein of, say, Mys­tic Inane or Fried E/​m, among oth­ers.

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Die TV - Side C

Though Side B didn't click with me quite as much as his Side A de­but EP, this Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey dude is op­er­at­ing in the gold­en zone once again on his newest Side C with a rough­ly 80% hit ra­tio. Less goth-lean­ing this time, his DIY garage- and post punk minia­tures come across as un­pre­dictable as ever with echoes of stuff á la S.B.F., Set-Top Box, Stal­ins of Sound, Erik Ner­vous or The Spits scat­tered through­out this fun lit­tle grab bag of tunes.

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Dadar - Iron Cage

Good­bye Boozy re­leas­es tend to come in batch­es and here we have the clear stand­out of this lat­est one - the newest EP or LP or what­ev­er by Par­ma, Italy garage punks Dadar who take an­oth­er kin­da straight­for­ward, risk-averse ap­proach here styl­is­ti­cal­ly, while they once again ex­cell at en­gi­neer­ing catchy melod­ic det­o­na­tions of pure garage- and synth punk fun in the well-trod­den neigh­bor­hood of Aus­muteants, Mononeg­a­tives, Use­less Eaters and the like.

Al­bum-Stream →

Catastrophic Dance Ensemble - Panko /​ Sad Machine

Al­ready hav­ing made a great first im­pres­sion with their re­cent Vol. 1 tape, Cincinnati's Cat­a­stroph­ic Dance En­sem­ble have an­oth­er tiny treat for us, rough­ly two-and-a-half new songs in their heav­i­ly egg-lean­ing odd­ball cheesy mix­ture of garage-, post- and synth punk that friends of, say… Set-Top Box, R.M.F.C., Eu­gh, Met­dog, Mononeg­a­tives, Nuts are gonna have an­oth­er field day with.