An­oth­er aus­tralian su­per­group made up of folks who gave us, among oth­ers, the won­ders of C.O.F.F.I.N, White Dog, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp, Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Stiff Richards, Split Sys­tem and Cut­ters - a fuckin' who's who of re­cent garage punk good­ness down un­der. Of course Po­lute de­liv­ers the goods, with a twist though as there's a strong old­school "heavy"-/speed met­al vibe im­print­ed here on the fa­mil­iar garage punk sound, re­mind­ing me of fair­ly re­cent acts á la Taran­tüla, Ce­ment Shoes and even the in­cred­i­ble Poi­son Ruïn may serve as a vi­able com­par­i­son - dun­geon dwellers will ap­prove for sure.