The first full length of the Mel­bourne group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of Stiff Richards, Speed Week and front­ed by the fab­u­lous Jack­son Reid Brig­gs eas­i­ly ex­ceeds all ex­pec­ta­tions. Sound-wise you know what you're in for - straight­for­ward yet elab­o­rate garage punk from an un­mis­tak­ably aus­tralian lin­eage, a ful­ly ma­tured sound be­ing dri­ven forth with un­re­lent­ing en­er­gy in the more sim­ple, riff-heavy mid­dle stretch while the old­school songcraft on dis­play in tunes such as It Aint You, De­mo­li­tion and Time Killer is noth­ing short of spec­tac­u­lar!