Well… i like to dis­cour­age folks from mail­ing me phys­i­cal copies of stuff for good rea­son, since in most cas­es all this amounts to is a tremen­dous waste of mon­ey and nat­ur­al re­sources while dig­i­tal files are way eas­i­er to dis­pose of. How­ev­er, these sev­en inch­es of black PVC ar­riv­ing at my doorstep from a duo based not that far away from… said doorstep, has quite a bit of un­ex­pect­ed class - propul­sive synth punk in a man­ner you might cur­rent­ly as­so­ciate with the likes of Le Prince Har­ry, Clarko, Pow­er­plant or R. Clown, while those eng­lish lyrics straight from the Klaus Meine bar­gain bin just add to its kin­da cute & campy DIY charme.