The Cowboy - Riddles From The Universe

Cleve­land punks The Cow­boy have yet to re­lease a record that doesn't to­tal­ly rip and their third LP won't dis­s­a­point ei­ther with their sound feel­ing per­fect­ly worn in and at this point, i'd say they've es­tab­lished their very own, in­stant­ly rec­og­niz­able mi­cro-niche on the in­ter­sec­tion of propul­sive garage punk and abra­sive noise rock while still break­ing things up enough to keep shit in­ter­est­ing.

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Daisy Daisy - Fairy Liquid

The de­but EP of this group from Utrecht, Nether­lands is pure con­cen­trat­ed joy from start to fin­ish, chan­neled in­to five prop­er­ly de­ment­ed synth-/garage punk jams won­drous­ly able to by­pass the in­tel­lect en­tire­ly on­ly to make an even big­ger splash with your pri­mal in­stincts. Neat!

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John (timestwo) - Nocturnal Manoeuvres

The Lon­don postcore/​noise rock duo once again con­vinces by way of sheer force cou­pled with un­err­ing pre­ci­sion, every sin­gle det­o­na­tion on their sec­ond LP us­ing a rather min­i­mal­is­tic recipe in the most fo­cused way pos­si­ble to achieve max­i­mum dam­age. Don't miss this spec­ta­cle if groups like Tu­nic, Death Ped­als, USA Nails or Metz are your thing.

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Rider/​Horse - Select Trials

Not too long af­ter the re­cent Dur­ing 7" on Chun­klet In­dus­tries (a full length of that group should be ex­pect­ed drop soon) we al­ready get to hear an­oth­er group fea­tur­ing Spray Paint vo­cal­ist and gui­tar play­er Cory Plump. As Rider/​Horse he's team­ing up with a dude named Chris who has in some un­spec­i­fied ca­pac­i­ty worked with the likes of Les Savy Fav and Trans Am. To­geth­er they're cre­at­ing a sound that's tak­ing the more elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven vibe of the most re­cent Spray Paint re­leas­es in­to a dark and hazy, heav­i­ly in­dus­tri­al-lean­ing psy­che­del­ic night­mare kind of realm some­what rem­i­nis­cent of Ex­haus­tion, Haunt­ed Hors­es or Danyl Je­su, as well as the dub-in­fused sound­scapes of Ex­ek, with whom they al­so share that cer­tain taste of Swell Maps.

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Mess - Traidores

Guadala­jara, Mex­i­co group Mess re­cent­ly put out yet an­oth­er EP whose to­tal­ly unashamed oi!-ness is, to be per­fect­ly hon­est, a bit too much for me to bear. This more post punk-lean­ing two-track dig­i­tal sin­gle they re­leased just a week ear­li­er is pure gold though.

A little hardcore roundup post thingy or whatever you wanna call this…

In my bum­bling quest to get some at least some shit done, here are three posts worth of re­cent hard­core punk stand­outs rolled in­to one. First there are five bursts of rather quirky, un­con­ven­tion­al noise­mak­ing cour­te­sey of Chicago's De­odor­ant, who had al­ready re­leased a fun lit­tle al­bum via Not Nor­mal Tapes in 2018. On their newest EP, they cov­er a lot of ground rang­ing from old­school hard-/post­core weirdos like Sac­cha­rine Trust, Beefeater, Re­al­ly Red or ear­ly Min­ute­men, to more re­cent groups á la Op­tic Nerve and Mys­tic Inane, round­ed out by a few sub­tle cow­punk vibes like in King Samo. If all of that shit's way to smar­ty­pants art­sy for that tiny brain of yours to han­dle, you might pre­fer the way more straight­for­ward ruckus of slight­ly garage-in­fused no-frills old­school may­hem as pre­sent­ed by Dye of Kansas City. But then again, in case that sounds like way too much fun and you pre­fer a bit more death, de­spair and in­san­i­ty in your punk rock, we've got you cov­ered too in the form of Dal­las group Urn's lat­est EP whose re­lent­less at­tack comes off about as dark and mud­dy as a pot of stale burnt cof­fee… dis­gust­ing and vi­tal­iz­ing at the same same time.

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Dead Finks - The Death and Resurrection of Johnathan Cowboy

Hav­ing re­leased a some­what hit-and-miss de­but tape last year, the Berlin group's newest LP shows off a con­sid­er­ably ma­tured, heav­i­ly roots- and folk-in­flu­enced fla­vor of post punk whose over­all vibe echoes the amer­i­cana-/cow­punk of Angst while al­so evok­ing with a bit of post-Mi­a­mi Gun Club and so­lo Rikk Ag­new. Among their con­tem­po­raries, you might com­pare them to groups such as Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters and Low Life. Oth­er times, like in Re­an­i­ma­tion, Piss­ing and Look Of Dis­gust you can sense a cer­tain british in­va­sion-style melan­cho­lia with hints of The Res­onars or The Be­vis Frond. So in a nut­shell, this ain't quite your av­er­age se­lec­tion of in­gre­di­ents for a punk al­bum… which kin­da makes this a per­fect fit for Er­ste Theke Ton­träger who, as i just learned, are gonna be han­dling the eu­ro­pean vinyl re­lease of this beau­ty.

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Algara - Absortos En El Tedio Eterno

Barcelona group Al­gara ini­tial­ly burst on­to the scene last year with a four track de­mo as an elec­tro punk duo, which then quick­ly grew in­to a four-piece group and prompt­ly re­leased an­oth­er tape con­sist­ing of a re-record­ing of the first EP's songs as well as some tracks meant for their first long­play­er, which we fi­nal­ly get to wit­ness in its full glo­ry now. In the mean­time their sound has evolved in­to a com­pact and ef­fort­less­ly flow­ing fu­sion of post-, garage- and elec­tro punk that might be de­scribed as a mix of ISS, Straw Man Army, Rank/​Xerox and UZS, on­ly bro­ken up right in the mid­dle by the strong syn­th­wave flour­ish­es of He­do­nistas.

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3D & The Holograms - 3D & The Holograms

A new Warttman Inc. re­lease by a group made up of some of the usu­al sus­pects known from bands such as Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Sa­tan­ic To­gas and The Gobs, so you al­ready kin­da know what to ex­pect. Need­less to say, this is some glo­ri­ous­ly dumb and rip­pin' shit.

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Cherry Cheeks - Cherry Cheeks

Orlando's Cher­ry Cheeks aka some dude by the name Kyle Harms has al­ready made some waves last year with a string of four in­creas­ing­ly awe­some EPs, yet his de­but full length on To­tal Punk feels a bit un­ex­pect­ed as it, for the most part, de­parts from the heav­i­ly synth-based garage- and pow­er pop sound of its pre­de­ces­sors for a some­what more con­ven­tion­al, gui­tar-cen­tric DIY garage punk aes­thet­ic. That cer­tain­ly doesn't mean these new songs were lack­ing any of the ear­li­er re­leas­es' thrills - this shit's a rather in­ven­tive and un­pre­dictable af­fair once again, quirky and catchy as fuck, bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­tiy to acts like Freak Genes, Pow­er­plant or Set-Top Box.

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