Weak Signal - War and War

Wow, i didn't re­al­ly ex­pect that much en­joy­ment out of the most re­cent LP by this New York group… in fact, these folks have com­plete­ly evad­ed my radar so far. What we get is a heav­i­ly Vel­vet Un­der­ground and Je­sus and Mary Chain-in­spired melange of fuzz-/pow­er-/noise-/dream pop that con­vinces by sheer strength of the un­der­ly­ing song sub­stance while in terms of son­ics, they sure like to slow-cook their songs at low-to-mod­er­ate heat - the re­sults are fuck­ing de­li­cious, just to­tal­ly melt­ing in your mouth as you rel­ish every sin­gle hook, every speck of low-lev­el tex­ture in their rich son­ic land­scape.

Al­bum-Stream →