I don't think i've ever giv­en this dude from Ham­mond, In­di­ana the full spot­light he de­serves here, al­though you might've en­coun­tered his shit on some Verspan­nungskas­sette mix­tapes, where his var­i­ous al­ter egos have been a reg­u­lar oc­cur­rence in re­cent months. Now here are three of his lat­est batch­es of min­i­mal­ist hard­core punk, each of his projects sound­ing pret­ty sim­i­lar if you ac­count for some slight vari­a­tion in tem­po and in­ten­si­ty… as well as some added bot­tom-of-the-bar­rel-end elec­tron­ic reen­force­ment in the case of Feed, which should've right­ful­ly earned him the ti­tle of great­est sty­lo­phone play­er in hard­core punk by now.