Teen Line - Collecting To Collect

This neat cas­sette out on Weath­er Vane Records by a group shar­ing mem­bers with Vin­tage Crop among oth­ers, im­me­di­ate­ly cap­ti­vates with an ab­solute­ly time­less make of el­e­gant and well-round­ed pow­er pop, sup­port­ed by way above-av­er­age song­writ­ing chops. Think of a cou­ple of more or less con­tem­po­rary groups like Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys, Tom­my and the Com­mies, Bad Sports, The Wind-Ups, Datenight, Ex-Gold, Va­ca­tion, Mr. Teenage, Yups, Frozen Teens… pick your poi­son! Though the whole thing may be a bit too front-loaded with most of the hits re­sid­ing on side a, which leads to a bit of a slump in the sec­ond half… kin­da like like a me­an­der­ing Twin Peaks sea­son 2 it still man­ages to work it­self back up to a glo­ri­ous fi­nale in the clos­ing track Hold Mu­sic.

Al­bum-Stream →

Puss - Anger Protocol

These New York­ers' lat­est LP is ba­si­cal­ly just an ex­pand­ed ver­sion of their 2021 EP Tri­an­gu­la­tion by way of Stran­gu­la­tion, though i'm gonna say the ad­di­tion of the four open­ing tracks el­e­vates the whole thing to an­oth­er lev­el al­to­geth­er, coun­ter­bal­anc­ing the kin­da rigid, some­what more late-eight­ies noise rock-lean­ing tracks of said EP with a fresh in­fu­sion of chaos that re­al­ly seals the deal here, quite ob­vi­ous­ly tak­ing cues from lo­cal no wave his­to­ry - both the un­struc­tured noisy kind and the funky James Chance-isms - as well as a bunch of oth­er ear­ly eight­ies pro­to noise rock acts á la Flip­per, Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors and, most of all, No Trend.

Al­bum-Stream →

Liquid Lunch - A Very Liquid Christmas /​/​ Billiam - Where Is Jackson Reid Briggs?

Here's yet an­oth­er pair of mod­er­ate­ly egg-re­lat­ed small fry in the form of two new dig­i­tal (?) 2-track sin­gles. First off there's Min­neapo­lis garage punks Liq­uid Lunch de­liv­er­ing two ex­cel­lent new blasts on a fuck­ing hol­i­day-themed re­lease in fuck­ing April which then again, i'd say is ac­tu­al­ly one of the most egg things pos­si­ble to do. Then, there's al­so a new re­lease by Mel­bourne DIY ma­gi­cian Bil­liam which un­sur­pris­ing­ly doesn't dis­ap­point ei­ther. The ti­tle track in­deed ap­pears to take some cues from Jack­son Reid Brig­gs and his cur­rent band Split Sys­tem in par­tic­u­lar.

Ultra Lights - Nostalgia

Nos­tal­gia /​ Clock­ing Out 7" re­leas­es May 10th via Chun­klet In­dus­tries.

Program - Sparks

It's A Sign re­leas­es June 7th via An­ti Fade Records.

Radar - Doesn't Matter

Radar re­leas­es May 17th via Dead Broke Rek­erds.

Candy Apple - Heaven's Gate

Co­matose re­leas­es May 17th via Con­vulse Records.

Bermuda Squares - Car Accident

Out­sider re­leas­es May 17th via Feel It Records.