Cutters - Depresso Rant No. 69

Psy­chic In­jury re­leas­es May 30th via Drunk­en Sailor Records & Leg­less Records.

Batpiss - Time

There's A Place In My Mind Where We All Burn Alive re­leas­es some­time this year via Poi­son City Records.

Festa Del Perdono - Corpo Di Smeraldo

So­ci­età Men­tale re­leas­es June 6th via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos

Verspannungskassette #74 (2x C-60)

Too much cool new shit, that's my fa­vorite lux­u­ry prob­lem and it's what the past few weeks had in store, so a C-90 won't suf­fice this time. That, and al­so i to­tal­ly had to add a ten-minute tune to the track­list be­cause why the fuck not? Di­al A for fuzzed-out de­prav­i­ty and gen­er­al may­hem. B for egg-ish de­men­tia, quirky and for­bid­den fun and games for the whole fam­i­ly. C for dark­ness, death and de­spair. D for some beeps & bloops, fol­lowed by hits, hooks and melodies.

Favoured State That's Life
Home­less Ca­dav­er Ca­daviar
208 Tantrum
Ful­mine Randa­gio
Fen Fen Dumb
Baghed LKWO
Grand Fi­nal Boom­town
Yobs Shit­ty Eye
Googon Elec­trodil­don­ics
The Cut-Ups Chenan­go Coun­ty Fair
Sol­vent No Re­course
Norms Struk­túra Kultúra
Rouge Paint It Red
To­tal Sham Keep It Rollin'
Coy­ote An­noy­ing Dick­head
Pur­ga­to­rio Una Bro­ma
Per­son­al Dam­age Cull the Herd
Fu­ture of De­spair Rem­nants

Jim­sob­bins Tv So­ci­ety
Tiffany Junk­food
So Cow Sum­mer Is Icu­men In Again
Cindy7 Wall
The Dogs We Are The Dogs
Bil­liam I Was A Teenage RNG Freak
Shaw­nis and The Shim­mers Queer Plan­et
Gob­lin Day­care Liar, Liar
D.I.M La con­duite
Egg Id­iot Barf Life
Kapow! KAPOW!
Mu­sic For Mi­crowaves Pira­cy
Tom­my Cos­sack & The De­gen­er­a­tors Bed Sores
Trash­dog neU­tron danS ShoT-gun wee
Ner­vous Tick and The Zip­per Lips Re­align my Mind
Vide­oflip Pas de mon monde

Elek­trokohle I Wan­na Cry
Nag In­sert A Thought
Mon­da Hot Tag
Sín­te­sis Va­ca­ciones en Tel Aviv
Whip­house Lie Cheat Steal Re­peat
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pick­ing Things Out Of The Air
DBR Faulty
Dead Finks Ba­ton
S:Bahn You Could Be Mine
Machi­avel­lian Art Fear of The Out­side World /​ Cri­sis

Paulo Vi­cious Eu Fi­co Eu Mor­ro
Thy­roids Fake Es­tate
Nick Nor­mal Mixed Let­tuces 1&2
Hy­per­dog Hole
Power­band Death Ma­chine
Cher­ry Cheeks Cru­el Bore
Va­ca­tion Psy­chic Gaso­line
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Stuck on Re­peat
Ul­tra Lights Nos­tal­gia
Bluff City Vice Big City Livin
Night Court 1000000th Song
The Dump­ies Bi­sex­u­al Hedge­fund Man­ag­er
The Wes­leys Make It My Way

Machiavellian Art - Population Control

This Wal­sall, UK group comes at us with an in­ten­tion­al­ly over­pow­er­ing, un­com­pro­mis­ing and max­i­mal­ly nasty clump of dis­so­nant, kin­da mo­not­o­nous noise bridg­ing the gap be­tween on­ly the most con­fronta­tive fringes of post punk, noise rock and post­core. In­ter­est­ing­ly, al­most all of the com­par­isons i can come up with right now al­ready date a few years back, re­mind­ing me of how much of an un­ex­pect­ed­ly fer­tile decade the 2010s were for un­wieldy noise rock fare, a genre i strug­gle to find much ex­cite­ment in, look­ing at the cur­rent land­scape. This record takes me right back there, to the genre's sec­ond gold­en era of groups such as ear­ly Metz, USA Nails, Keep­ers, Over­time, Death Pan­els, Greys, Van­gas, Tu­nic or John (timest­wo). Well, at least a cou­ple of these are still around. Then again, the thick veil of con­stant, dis­so­nant blown-out noise tex­ture these songs stay cloaked in at all times, some­what re­minds me of the short-lived US post punk sen­sa­tion Dash­er, while the ca­coph­o­nous sax­o­phone parts call to mind Near­ly Dead and the kin­da ob­scure aus­tralian 1980s post punk act Fun­gus Brains or, when­ev­er they add some melod­ic over­tones like in Crime, i can even sense a bit of aus­tralian post punk /​ pro­to-noise rock pow­er­house X.

Al­bum-Stream →

Monda - Stiff Jumbo

The newest of a, to be per­fect­ly hon­est, fuck­ing in­pen­e­tra­ble amount of re­leas­es which have ac­cu­mu­lat­ed on this To­towa, New Jer­sey group's band­camp page over the past few years, de­liv­ers a pure spec­ta­cle of short and catchy lit­tle tunes with a max­i­mum length of ex­act­ly one minute, fir­ing off four­ty tracks in­be­tween the co­or­di­nates of garage punk, pow­er pop, old­school in­die rock and fuzz punk in well un­der half an hour. The whole thing makes me think of a cou­ple of 1980s DIY punk and in­die rock land­marks like the ear­ly works of Guid­ed By Voic­es, Fast­backs and M.O.T.O. just as much as a cou­ple more re­cent bands like Boo­ji Boys, Print Head, Vaguess and Datenight.

Al­bum-Stream →


Berlin post punk so­lo act DBR has al­ready been stick­ing around for a bit and put out a whole bunch of EPs along the way, first un­der the name Dee Bee Rich, lat­er short­ened to the acronym DBR. His newest cas­sette via Tur­bo Dis­cos is eas­i­ly his most ac­com­plished and ver­sa­tile cre­ation in a while, equip­ping the fair­ly min­i­mal­ist, un­der­stat­ed ap­proach his more re­cent work has grad­u­al­ly mor­phed in­to with a whole new sense of melody, el­e­gance and catchy­ness, while still com­ing across quirky, play­ful and odd as fuck.

Al­bum-Stream →

Thyroids - Toppings and Droppings

Five ex­cel­lent new bursts of catchy, sim­ple and mim­i­mal­ist synth punk is what we get on the newest EP of this Dal­las, Texas group. Though the ti­tle of the open­ing track Q:Where? A: On The Square! kind of evokes as­so­ci­a­tions of De­vo, i'd say ac­tu­al­ly this shit sounds a lot clos­er to some of the more un­der­ground acts of the '70s and '80s á la Min­i­mal Man, Ner­vous Gen­der, Scream­ers, Units, Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors or Vis­i­tors, while in the cur­rent scene you might al­so com­pare them to groups such as Vic­tor, O-D-EX, Lost Pack­ages and Freak Genes.

Al­bum-Stream →

Whiphouse - Demo

Atlanta's post punk scene strikes again! This group ap­pears to have at least one (ex-?) mem­ber of Preda­tor on board, whose sound this stuff cer­tain­ly bears some re­sem­b­lence to, as well as the genre's oth­er quite ob­vi­ous lo­cal main­stay, Nag. Whip­house choose to la­bel them­selves as a death rock group and in­deed, what (ever so slight­ly, though) dif­fer­en­ti­ates this group from the afore­men­tioned acts is a more pro­nounced clas­sic goth rock vibe and a more sim­plis­tic ap­proach to song­writ­ing and arrange­ments. What can i say, noth­ing wrong with that. This shit works!

Al­bum-Stream →