D. Sablu - Stuck In A Rut

No True Si­lence re­leas­es May 17th via Yes We Can­ni­bal Records.

Goblin Daycare - Liar, Liar

Ag­it­prop Hot­line is gonna drop at some point via Ded­strange.

Verspannungskassette #73 (C-60)

Fac­toids As­so­ci­a­tion
Wes­ley & The Boys Beep Bop Beep Boop Bop
Paulo Vi­cious Acor­da Be­bê 2
Gurk Me And My Friend
Bust­ed Head Rack­et Buried Alive
Klint Some­body Cut Out My Brain
The Death Sen­tence The Death Sen­tence
Obe­di­ent About to Snap
Wood­stock 99 Hot­ter than a Half-Fucked Fox in a For­est Fire
Brain Squeeze Hu­man Par­a­sites
Top Dol­lar Free
Cru­ci­form Not My Own
Glue­man Vi­sions Of Death
To­tal Sham An­ti Every­thing
Chum Lord R.M.F.C.
Liq­uid Lunch Dan's in Trou­ble (Mistle­toe Blues)
Bil­liam Where Is Jack­son Reid Brig­gs?

Leaves The Lad­der
Con­tin­u­als Care­ful & For­giv­ing
Stuck Deep Tun­nel
Hevrat Ha'Hashmal Mer­cury In Ret­ro­grade
Puss Anger Pro­to­col
Dårskap Gegroom Beg
Os­bo Se­cu­ri­ty
Dog Date F Bomb
Jeffy & The Sunken Heads Bar­rel Through The Con­struc­tion Zone
Trag­ic Car­pet Scared To Death
Hood Rats Let's Break the Law
Cuir La ville aux 5 ports
Be­ta Máx­i­mo. Tra­ga al­mas
Teen Line Pick A Lane
Faulty Cog­ni­tions Sad Sack

Busted Head Racket - Go! Go! Go!

An­oth­er qual­i­ty re­lease from that bas­tion of off-kil­ter punk and noise, Er­ste Theke Ton­träger. Bust­ed Head Rack­et is a group based in New­cas­tle, Aus­tralia cen­ter­ing around vo­cal­ist /​ mul­ti-in­stru­men­tal­ist Ar­den Guff and in the past year has al­ready made waves with a num­ber of EPs, com­pi­la­tion ap­pear­ances and split re­leas­es. Their long-play­ing de­but now de­liv­ers an­oth­er strong batch of odd lit­tle tunes of dis­tinct­ly egg-ish qual­i­ties which man­age to come across as equal­ly catchy, quirky, rough and en­er­gic, kin­da com­bin­ing the traits of, say, Bil­liam and the hard­core at­tack of last year's Snoop­er LP, with fur­ther par­al­lels to be drawn to such acts as Slimex, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Set-Top Box and Ghoulies.

Al­bum-Stream →

Hevrat Ha'Hashmal - Banu La'avod

Fol­low­ing a quite stun­ning de­but EP last year, this is­raeli group just keeps up the en­er­gy lev­el of their very own brand of ex­quis­ite struc­tured chaos on their first full length record. This is yet an­oth­er un­mit­i­gat­ed, noisy kick in the balls be­ing per­formed somwhere in­be­tween the rough specs of noise rock, post punk, hard- and post­core, bear­ing some very slight sim­i­lar­i­ty to groups such as Cutie, Big Bop­per, Brandy, ear­ly Pat­ti… add to that a gen­er­ous help­ing of Big Black on top!

Al­bum-Stream →

Teen Line - Collecting To Collect

This neat cas­sette out on Weath­er Vane Records by a group shar­ing mem­bers with Vin­tage Crop among oth­ers, im­me­di­ate­ly cap­ti­vates with an ab­solute­ly time­less make of el­e­gant and well-round­ed pow­er pop, sup­port­ed by way above-av­er­age song­writ­ing chops. Think of a cou­ple of more or less con­tem­po­rary groups like Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys, Tom­my and the Com­mies, Bad Sports, The Wind-Ups, Datenight, Ex-Gold, Va­ca­tion, Mr. Teenage, Yups, Frozen Teens… pick your poi­son! Though the whole thing may be a bit too front-loaded with most of the hits re­sid­ing on side a, which leads to a bit of a slump in the sec­ond half… kin­da like like a me­an­der­ing Twin Peaks sea­son 2 it still man­ages to work it­self back up to a glo­ri­ous fi­nale in the clos­ing track Hold Mu­sic.

Al­bum-Stream →

Puss - Anger Protocol

These New York­ers' lat­est LP is ba­si­cal­ly just an ex­pand­ed ver­sion of their 2021 EP Tri­an­gu­la­tion by way of Stran­gu­la­tion, though i'm gonna say the ad­di­tion of the four open­ing tracks el­e­vates the whole thing to an­oth­er lev­el al­to­geth­er, coun­ter­bal­anc­ing the kin­da rigid, some­what more late-eight­ies noise rock-lean­ing tracks of said EP with a fresh in­fu­sion of chaos that re­al­ly seals the deal here, quite ob­vi­ous­ly tak­ing cues from lo­cal no wave his­to­ry - both the un­struc­tured noisy kind and the funky James Chance-isms - as well as a bunch of oth­er ear­ly eight­ies pro­to noise rock acts á la Flip­per, Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors and, most of all, No Trend.

Al­bum-Stream →

Liquid Lunch - A Very Liquid Christmas /​/​ Billiam - Where Is Jackson Reid Briggs?

Here's yet an­oth­er pair of mod­er­ate­ly egg-re­lat­ed small fry in the form of two new dig­i­tal (?) 2-track sin­gles. First off there's Min­neapo­lis garage punks Liq­uid Lunch de­liv­er­ing two ex­cel­lent new blasts on a fuck­ing hol­i­day-themed re­lease in fuck­ing April which then again, i'd say is ac­tu­al­ly one of the most egg things pos­si­ble to do. Then, there's al­so a new re­lease by Mel­bourne DIY ma­gi­cian Bil­liam which un­sur­pris­ing­ly doesn't dis­ap­point ei­ther. The ti­tle track in­deed ap­pears to take some cues from Jack­son Reid Brig­gs and his cur­rent band Split Sys­tem in par­tic­u­lar.