Bench Press - More Than That

A Split 7" Bet­ween Fri­ends (Bench Press + Dr. Sure's Unu­su­al Prac­ti­ce) er­scheint am 23. Sep­tem­ber auf Mart­house Re­cords & Fel­la­heen Re­cords

Italia 90 - Leisure Activities

Li­ving Hu­man Tre­asu­re er­scheint am 20. Ja­nu­ar auf Brace Yours­elf Re­cords.

Hammered Hulls - Rights and Reproduction

Caree­ning er­scheint am 28. Ok­to­ber auf Di­sch­ord Re­cords.

A.I.D.S. - Annihilation Of Hell

The Road To Nu­clear Ho­lo­caust er­scheint am 30. Sep­tem­ber auf La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos.

Delivery - Baader Meinhof

Fo­re­ver Gi­ving Hand­shakes er­scheint am 11. No­vem­ber auf Feel It Re­cords, An­ti Fa­de Re­cords & Spoil­sport Re­cords.

Svart Katt - Du var så bra

Sv­art Katt er­scheint am 11. No­vem­ber auf Adri­an Re­cor­dings.

2070 - Pink Runtz

Shor­dy er­scheint am 30. Sep­tem­ber auf Al­re­a­dy Dead Tapes and Re­cords.

Gloin - Shoot to Kill

We Found This er­scheint am 21. Ok­to­ber auf Mo­th­land.

Verspannungskassette #42 (C-60)

Sick Thoughts Ho­le In The Wall
Bart and the Brats Con­stant Non­sen­se
Mo­ral Pa­nic Big Fi­sh
Is­ma­tic Gu­ru Mil­li­me­ter
Big Screen Pat Sa­gat
C.P.R. Doll Big DNA 2030
Pat and the Pis­sers Blind Au­to­no­my
Dis­co­very Pre­scrip­ti­on
Shiv­ved Just The Sa­me
Lea­king Head Left 2 Rot

Church­goers Left Blind
Cold Brats Cli-Check-Ma­te
Maz­mor­ra Fin Del Mun­do
DOR Cinz­as
Krul Moon
Los Darks Te Echo Hu­mildad
Ex­po­se Mo­ti­ve
Flash Sen­ten­cia­do
Me­mo PST Pigs RV
Frust­wut Frust­wut

Coded Mar­king Imo­va­ne
Ita­lia 90 Mag­da­le­ne
To­tal Luck Ram­ble
Pu­blic Plea­su­re Shel­ley Duvall's Ci­ga­ret­te Ash
Die! Die! Die! Smel­ter
Soft Should­er Not Roll­mop, Sa­tay, nor Kor­ma

The She­a­ves Sa­tu­ra­ti­on In­duc­tion
No Knuck­le I Just Want A Pie­ce
Fake In­di­ans What goes on
S.U.G.A.R. He­art­brea­k­er
Mo Tro­per I’m The King of Rock ‘n Roll