Magic Shoppe - A Star Turns Blue

Pat­ty He­ar­se er­scheint am 30. Sep­tem­ber auf Car­di­nal Fuzz (EU/​UK) & Litt­le Cloud Re­cords (US)

Non Plus Temps - Continuous Hinge

De­si­re Choir er­scheint am 4. No­vem­ber auf Post Pre­sent Me­di­um.

Shove - Death Admin Machine

Sho­ve 2 er­scheint am 7. Ok­to­ber.

Grandmas House - Body

Cowman - Hydrant

Slaugh­ter er­scheint am 30. Sep­tem­ber auf Ten­zen­men.

Billiam - Jenny Destroys Records

Vam­pi­re Club (Bil­liam /​/​ The Vo­vos Split 7") er­scheint am 16. Sep­tem­ber.

Shaved Ape - Moral Crumbs

De­mo er­scheint am 9. Sep­tem­ber auf Sor­ry Sta­te Re­cords.

Why Bother? - Cut To Pieces

La­ce­ra­ted Nights er­scheint am 16. Sep­tem­ber auf Feel It Re­cords.

Discovery - Broken Windows

Dis­co 45 er­scheint am 2. Sep­tem­ber auf Ma­nic Noi­se Re­cords.

Verspannungskassette #41 (C-74)

R.M.F.C. Ac­cess
Dogs­not­Gods Dead Zo­ne
Night­man Night­man
Pla­ti­num Crack! Go To Work
Fi­ve Bucks Back Home
Sex Mex Big Jo­ke
Nubot555 Bur­ning the Shell
Oyo La­mo­tri­gi­na 0
Re­pul­si­on Switch Pla­ga
The Gobs Tuf­fer Than You
Coke Asi­an Hard On
Osees A Foul Form

Cur­leys We Say No
Fe­ral Un­der Pres­su­re
Re­po Man I Don't Think So
Gel Men­tal Sta­tic
Speck The So­cial
Tooth Paint Post Of­fice
Zhoop On The Road
The Chats Out On The Street
Gluer Pum­ping the Iron
Clamm Ca­re
Ex­white Vic­tims

Ers­te Hil­fe Back­stein­haus
Mo­no­ne­ga­ti­ves Se­cond Self
Freak Ge­nes Mat­ter Will Mo­ve
Thy­ro­ids Ex­ces­siv­ley Im­pres­si­ve
Gol­lo Fun­cio­na­rio
Big Scout BLN
Life­guard I Know I Know
Stran­ded (Get in the) #van­li­fe
Mar­ga­ri­tas Po­dri­das No Quie­ro ser Mad­re

Other Half Slump
Ma­ri­lyn Ma­ria Wat­ching Ame­ri­ca
Iso­la­ti­on In­ten­ti­on
Fi­la­tu­re Dans not­re ville
Qitsch Flower Boy
Cri­sis Par­ty Exist
Li­quid Nails Day­light Again
TV Cult Ou­bli­et­te