A neat split re­lease via Berlin's order05records. The open­ing track by At­lanta post punk in­sti­tu­tion Nag sur­pris­es with some synth-equipped psy­che­del­ic vibes á la Mononeg­a­tives or some lat­er stuff by Use­less Eaters, while det­o­nat­ing an­oth­er charge of their rough and abra­sive sound we've come to know and love in the oth­er song. On the flip­side then, Italy's As­tio com­ple­ment the son­ic as­sault with a slight­ly more con­ven­tion­al but no less classy, ma­ture make of mod­er­ate­ly melod­ic old­school post punk en­er­gy, the kind we've heard be­fore from the likes of Crim­i­nal Code, Sieve­head or, more re­cent­ly, Pyrex, Body Main­te­nance or Sched­ule 1.