Portland's Pub­lic Eye al­ready were one of the more in­ter­est­ing and ad­ven­tur­ous post punk groups of our time to be­gin with and i al­ways felt we hadn't quite heard their best yet. Turns out i was right about some­thing for a change… On Mu­sic For Leisure their sound has evolved pret­ty much in­to its own thing. Imag­ine the works of some 2010's post punk stand­outs like Diät, Mar­bled Eye, The Es­tranged, In­sti­tute, Rank Xe­rox, Cre­ative Adult and Bruised rolled in­to one. Then add a fair amount of garage punk of the ear­ly Teenanger, Sauna Youth, Flat Worms va­ri­ety, sprin­kle in a hint of Wire and some jan­g­ly folk in­flu­ences á la Vol­cano Suns. Pub­lic Eye bun­dle all of that, then slow it down to a com­fort­able strolling pace while tack­ling the whole thing with a de­cid­ed­ly song-based ap­proach. The re­sult is one of the most ma­ture, con­sis­tant, well-con­struct­ed post punk records i've heard in a good while.