D. Sablu - No True Silence

New Or­leans garage punk dude D. Sablu did make a quite pos­i­tive im­pres­sion al­ready with a string of demos and tapes in 2020-2022. On his full-length de­but via Yes We Can­ni­bal though, his artis­tic vi­sion comes in­to much sharp­er fo­cus, span­ning a good deal of va­ri­ety in his sound from the slight­ly noise rock /​ post punk-lean­ing open­er Bomber Stomp to straight­for­ward garage punk smash­ers like Too Much Of The News and the Dead Boys-in­fect­ed tune Stuck In A Rut, al­to­geth­er hav­ing a bit of a Kid Chrome, Sauna Youth or Teenanger vibe to them, some­times veer­ing in­to straight up har­o­d­core punk ter­ri­to­ry while det­o­na­tions á la Scan­dalous and World Peace go all-in on that ten­den­cy. What­ev­er shit D. Sablu touch­es turns in­to pure gold or at the very least cop­per on this al­bum. In some ways this thing al­so pos­i­tive­ly re­minds me of the most re­cent EP by Jean Mignon.

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Bootlicker - 1000 Yd. Stare

Bootlick­er of Vic­to­ria, BC, Cana­da re­main an un­stop­pable force on the fore­front of fair­ly con­tem­po­rary sound­ing, yet si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly kin­da old­school har­o­d­core punk with a dis­tinct garage edge and just a smidge of Oi!, rich in catchy hooks and pen­e­tra­tive riffs. On­ly the finest ref­er­ences for this shit, some of which be­ing the likes of ear­ly Elec­tric Chair, Chain Whip, Il­lit­er­ates, Hood Rats, Cri­sis Man, Head­cheese and Im­ploders.

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Goblin Daycare - Agitprop Hotline!

These Is­tan­bul egg­punk war­riors' de­but EP of last year has cer­tain­ly been among my fa­vorite re­leas­es of 2023 and their first long-play­ing cas­sette de­liv­ers more of the same kind of fun by which i mean: ir­re­sistably catchy and quirky garage-/synth punk-smash­ers in a sim­i­lar head­space to such genre greats as Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Beer and Ghoulies. Tell me, what's not to like about that?

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Bermuda Squares - Outsider

An­oth­er nice catch took the bait and trig­gered the hy­per-vig­i­lant sen­sors at Cincin­nati, Ohio garage punk strong­hold Feel It Records. This Min­neapo­lis group shares mem­bers with Green/​Blue, Cit­ric Dum­mies and a whole bunch more and emits some rock-sold, ul­tra-catchy '77 vibes on their de­but LP, sor­ta bridg­ing the gap be­tween the US and UK scenes, com­bin­ing all the best traits of, say, Dick­ies, Dead Boys and Ad­verts or, if you need more re­cent ref­er­ences, al­so bears some sim­i­lar­i­ties to the likes of Shop Talk, The Celebri­ties, Tom­my and the Com­mies, Sick Thoughts, Bad Sports and Trop­i­cana.

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Silicone Values - Who Do You Hate? /​ Spirit Of The Age

Dun­no if you al­ready no­ticed, but the UK's most un­der-the-radar group of sheer awe­some­ness just re­cent­ly re­leased a com­pi­la­tion EP bring­ing to­geth­er most of the pre­vi­ous sin­gles plus three new tracks on french la­bel SDZ Records, which is the per­fect place to start if you haven't al­ready fall­en for this band hook like and sinker. Any­ways, here is their newest in that end­less string of two-track dig­i­tal sin­gles al­ready and as any­thing the group has touched so far, this is yet an­oth­er in­stant clas­sic of end­less­ly charm­ing Mekons-, Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles- and Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties-in­formed old­school british DIY punk good­ness.

NTSC>PAL - Full Of Spots

Don't let this fake NTSC>PAL fool you 'cos it's ac­tu­al­ly just Bil­liam dressed up in a NTSC>PAL suit. Al­so, nice try name­drop­ping Scream­ers which… well,I'm sure you could make a plau­si­ble case for that but at the end of the day, aside from the mere tech­ni­cal­i­ty of "no gui­tars" on this cas­sette, Bil­liam can't re­al­ly help sound­ing like any­thing oth­er than him­self, which is to say: pret­ty damn fuck­ing awe­some!

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Plexi Stad - Siren Dance

Fol­low­ing a strong de­but EP that still pre­sent­ed this Antwerp group from a more garage-lean­ing an­gle, the fol­low-up has them go­ing all-in on a post punk vibe which on one hand takes plen­ty of cues from the James Chance-in­formed, funky end of the No Wave spec­trum while al­so bear­ing a slight re­sem­blance to the cur­rent Berlin scene and groups like Pi­geon and Li­iek in par­tic­u­lar. I as­sume then it's more than just a lucky co­in­ci­dence this thing got re­leased on Berlin post punk la­bel Man­gel Records.

Al­bum-Stream →

O.R.F. - O.R.F.1

Fantab­u­lous new garage-/synth-/elec­tro punk shit from Graz, Aus­tria, us­ing min­i­mal means to ac­tu­al­ly bring some fresh and as-of-yet un­heard im­puls­es to the whole egg­punk clus­ter­fuck as, at cer­tain points, i can't help but dub that shit Big Bl…Egg! Then again, there's al­so no short­age of fluffy pop melodies on here. I'm not quite sure what to make of the clos­ing track Freibad Fürsten­wald though, which… fuck me, re­search that shit for your­self. Or maybe don't, just… don't.

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