Corker - Distant Dawn

Pleasants - Karaoke Booth

Chester Remington - Almost Dead

Al­most Dead re­leas­es March 15th via Howl­in Ba­nana Records.

Verspannungskassette #68 (C-60)

Reck­less Randy Skate­board II
Pow­er Pants Got­ta Do It My­self
Bil­liam Scoop & Weigh
Me­dia Puz­zle Sim­ple As That!
Cher­ry Cheeks You Don't
Club De Bowl­ing Salien­do A La Calle
Feed­ing Tube Can you???
Poo Poo Talks B2S
Re­pul­sion Switch I'm Down
Elvis 2 Livin with the A.P.P
Stu­art Pearce Nu­clear Foot­ball
Dez­in­for­ma­ci­je Kan­ta Za Smeće

WWW Litio
Part Time Filth Filth Inc.
Night­man Sauteed
Plumb Bob Plumb­ing Song For Gel To Sing
Bog Peo­ple Dark Skies
Laz­er Bul­let No Monku
Mu­tat­ed Void Aban­doned
No Brain­ers Bull­shit World
Götri Sang Pem­bunuh
To­tal Sham Ice Cold
Zoids Evil Kniev­el Su­per­star

Know­so Drink from the Lake
Zenomorph (Ba­by I'm A) Freak­show
Ghoulies Tow­el King
iPad Ba­by Ohio Riz­zler
TTT-Tur­bo 2 Heads 1 Soul
Raut Pun­ish The Sin­ners
Snoop­er For Yr Love
Pear'n Who?
Μπριτζολιτσεσ I Used To Be A Cheesepuff

Cthtr Cop­per Gate
Gob­lin Day­care Gut­stown
Munchkin Head Un­known Ti­tle
Night­watch­ers 2 temps, 3 mou­ve­ments
Con­sen­sus Mad­ness L(abor) O(f) L(ove)
Psy­ch­bike Evad­ed
ØL Pis­sevenn
High Heels Jane From Oc­cu­pied Down­ing­town
Ataque Zerø Ciu­dades

Warm Exit - Ultra Violence

When Brus­sels group Warm Ex­it toured Ger­many last year few of us, my­self in­clud­ed, had an­tic­i­pat­ed the kind of sur­prise we'd gonna be in for, al­though their 2022 TV /​ Ul­tra Vi­o­lence sin­gle al­ready hint­ed at their sound mor­ph­ing in­to more of a clas­sic post punk di­rec­tion. On stage though, it im­me­di­ate­ly be­came clear what a rad­i­cal trans­for­ma­tion this group had gone through with bare­ly a speck to be found of their ini­tial sound more in line the cur­rent gen­er­a­tion of quirky garage-/synth-/eg­g­punk acts, now re­placed by an in­tense and pitch-black abyss of at­mos­pher­ic post punk, which is now al­so re­flect­ed on their full length de­but, call­ing to mind a il­lus­trous and di­verse ar­ray of groups like Rank Xe­rox, Crim­i­nal Code, Diät, Girls In Syn­the­sis, Sieve­head or Neg­a­tive Space.

Al­bum-Stream →

Thee Alcoholics - Baby I'm Your Man

Feed­back re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 23rd via Rock­et Record­ings.

Knowso - Pulsating Gore

Cleveland's Know­so for sure have been among the most idio­syn­crat­ic and mem­o­rable groups of the past cou­ple years. Their newest full length shows them at the height of their strength once again, their amal­ga­ma­tion of post punk, noise- and math rock still com­ing across just as quirky and whim­si­cal as it is tight, rigid and an­gu­lar all the same, com­bin­ing a seem­ing­ly pro­ce­dur­al and ef­fi­cient, math­e­mat­i­cal ap­proach with an amount of fun and catchy­ness you wouldn't re­al­ly ex­pect in­side these rough pa­ra­me­ters. At this point, their sound is pret­ty much their own thing but if you ab­soiute­ly must com­pare them to oth­er groups, you might find some sim­i­lar­i­ties to stuff such as Brandy, Landown­er, Big Bop­per or maybe Nag in their more ap­proach­able mo­ments.

Al­bum-Stream →

Cthtr - Cthtr

Al­ready hav­ing a cou­ple EPs un­der his belt, this Whit­ti­er, Cal­i­for­nia dude's first full length cas­sette, al­so his first re­lease fol­low­ing over five years of ra­dio si­lence, im­me­di­at­ley clicks with me. That shit is right up my al­ley with its en­dear­ing­ly crude, mod­er­ate­ly psy­che­del­ic mix of garage-, post- and synth punk car­ry­ing the traits of so many house­hold names, among them the likes of Mononeg­a­tives, Use­less Eaters, Die TV, Elec­tric Prawns 2, Beef, ear­ly Pow­er­plant, Pow!, Freak Genes and Lost Pack­ages.

Al­bum-Stream →