Wireheads - Life After Winter

Po­ten­tial­ly Venus will drop at some point via Tenth Court.

Spasi - HTCM in Block City /​ Jerk Squad

The de­but cass­in­gle (?) of this Seat­tle group de­liv­ers a way too short yet al­to­geth­er ex­cit­ing synth- and garage punk freak­out, the A-side HTCM in Block City burst­ing with an en­er­gy not too dis­tant from acts like Liq­uid Face, Klint, Mononeg­a­tives, Ghoulies or Slimex. As for the B-Side Jerk Squad… Is kraut­wave an ac­tu­al genre? 'Cos that's ex­act­ly what i'd de­scribe this stuff as.

Cool Sorcery - With Love, Maggie

Now this is a kick­ass, im­pres­sive­ly con­fi­dent long­play­ing de­but as­sem­bled by some dude from Brasília, Brazil out of on­ly the finest bits and pieces con­tem­po­rary DIY garage punk has to of­fer with acts like Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Erik Ner­vous, Spodee Boy, Nick Nor­mal or Bel­ly Jel­ly par­tic­u­lar­ly com­ing to mind, spiced up with oc­ca­sion­al out­bursts of Skull Cult-es­que pan­de­mo­ni­um. Even some psy­che­del­ic vibes á la Mononeg­a­tives, Os­ees or Pow! get mixed in, cul­mi­nat­ing in the mono­lith­ic acid punk one-two punch of Dddelir­i­um and Plague V.

Al­bum-Stream →

Vintage Crop - Kibitzer

Don't ex­pect too many sur­pris­es from the newest Vin­tage Crop LP but ex­pect plen­ty of good­ness nonethe­less, fol­low­ing that cer­tain garage punk for­mu­la the Mel­bourne group cer­tain­ly did their part to es­tab­lish in tan­dem with fel­low acts such as Pinch Points, Dumb, Ura­ni­um Club and Abort­ed Tor­toise, of which they de­liv­er a slight­ly more straight­for­ward and catchy vari­ant here, al­so con­tain­ing some oc­ca­tion­al traces of stuff like Pat­ti, Par­quet Courts or In­sti­tute. The two stand­outs here are the slow­er jams Im­pact of Wis­dom and The Bloody War in which their song­writ­ing qual­i­ties re­al­ly get to shine, the lat­ter one al­so car­ry­ing a melan­choly, dis­tinct­ly wire-es­que vibe.

Al­bum-Stream →

Knife Crime - Let Me Get The Rope

Brain Gone re­leas­es Ju­ly 8th via Noise Mer­chant Records.

Danny Tantrum - Applesauce

Dan­ny Tantrum re­leas­es Ju­ly 22nd via Bad Rat­ing Records.

Mononegatives - Role Reversal

Verspannungskassette #37 (C-60)

Black Lizard Kill­fire
Phaselick­er Make Deaf
Tele­sa­tan I Am Weak
Acad­e­my Or­der Vict­uals
Pi­geon Per­manet Quest
Cult Ob­jects Sea Foam
Soft Shoul­der Old Kinds of Kicks

Am­bu­lanz Fam­i­ly
O.R.C Don­key
The Black Gloves Pro­totem­plate
Lassie Onkel Maik
Doc Flip­pers Ter­ri­ble II
Lithics Na­ture Ob­ser­va­tion Po­em

The Clue Pana­son­ic
Clut­tered Grot­to Nasal Spray
3D & The Holo­grams VR Ex­e­cu­tion
No­hzdyve Sweet Dreams
Dump­ster Rats Ra­bid
Klint Brahm­sea
Snoop­er Town Top­ic
Fried E/​M Lifestyle Creep
Exxxon Con­no­co
An­droid Not By Faith But By Sight

S.H.I.T. The War On You
Scab Breath Give Me My Gun Back
OK Satán Looks Like Shit
Brun­dle Di­al Tone
The Ex­e­cut­ed Shock State
Grawlix­es Fa­tal Wank­ing
The Uglies Wish My Life Was Movie
Life Forms Com­plex
Green/​Blue Away

Phaselicker - Phaselicker

From some un­cer­tain place in Bavaria, Ger­many comes this beau­ty of an EP med­dling in a fit­ting­ly neb­u­lous, fuzz-laden genre spec­trum be­tween garage- and acid punk, psych- and space rock. A re­quired lis­ten for, among oth­ers, con­nois­seurs of noise in the vein of De­struc­tion Unit, Os­ees, Su­per-X, Hamer, Ounce, Faux Fe­ro­cious or Drag­gs.

Al­bum-Stream →