Last Quokka & False Cobra - The West Ghost Split

Plen­ty of good­ness on this split 7" by two aus­tralian bands. Last Quokka's side show­cas­es some of their best ma­te­r­i­al to date and their fa­mil­iar, heav­i­ly garage-boost­ed post­core sound with traces of Hot Snakes and ear­ly Jaw­box, as well as more re­cent groups like Video, Bad Breed­ing and As­cot Stab­ber.

This marks the first time i hear about False Co­bra. Some of the above com­par­isons may al­so ap­ply to their songs, though over­all they lean a lot heav­ier in­to the garage and clas­sic punk side of things, hav­ing a bit of a Ruts or X (L.A.) vibe and al­so some vague sim­i­nar­i­ty to The Liv­ing Eyes, Mi­ni Skirt or ear­ly Teenanger.

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Motor Corp - Demo

Deluxe Bias is killing it once again with an­oth­er ridu­cu­lous­ly short cas­sette con­tain­ing three dark brown pud­dles of hard­core punk that couldn't get much more pri­mal than this, over­whelm­ing the lis­ten­er by sheer son­ic force be­fore they even had the time to make any judge­ment about what the fuck they've just been lis­ten­ing to.

TJ Cabot & Sonic Hz - Out Of Touch

While, for my own taste, re­leas­es by that cana­di­an garage weirdo TJ Cabot have so far been a rather hit-or-miss af­fair, his newest 7" - a col­lab­o­ra­tion with synth wave artist Son­ic Hz - falls square­ly in­to the "hit" cat­e­go­ry. This high-sug­ar feast for your eardrums art­ful­ly com­binines the best in­gre­di­ents of both worlds and re­minds me quite a bit of Sweden's synth punk pow­er­house Iso­tope Soap.

Waste Man - One Day It'll All Be You

On their sec­ond long­play­er, New Or­leans group Waste Man have got­ten rid al­most en­tire­ly of the hard­core el­e­ments that were still front and cen­ter on their in­cred­i­ble 2018 tape A New Type Of Wor­ry, but that doesn't mean their newest LP is any less thrilling. Quite on the con­traty, this has be­come both their most am­bi­tious and well-round­ed re­lease so far, a cap­ti­vat­ing and un­pre­dictable ride at dif­fer­ent points re­mind­ing me of smar­ty­pants garage punk of the Vin­tage Crop, Dumb or Ura­ni­um Club va­ri­ety, art punk akin to Lith­hics or Pat­ti as well as con­tem­po­rary post punk in the vein of Pub­lic Eye, The Go­tobeds and Bam­bara… at the same time emit­ting some dis­tinct­ly old­school vibes - faint echoes of Wire and Sac­cha­rine Trust be­ing the most no­tice­able ones here.

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Weenog - Weenog's Tower

Okay… it looks like the cur­rent dun­geon craze, which seem­ing­ly start­ed out in the realm of synth-based sound­scapes some time ago and has since then pro­gres­sive­ly been mak­ing its pres­ence known on the fringes of garage punk, is now slow­ly but in­evitably ex­tend­ing its grip in­to the musty cel­lars of hard­core punk. This fun new tape of me­dieval sur­vival hymns about oth­er people's heads meet­ing blunt, heavy ob­jects sounds a bit as if Lumpy & The Dumpers, Cü­lo and Strange At­trac­tor joined forces to record an al­ter­nate Jab­ber­wocky sound­track.

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Slayer Jr - Slayer Jr

An­oth­er way-too-short cas­sette bear­ing the gift of qual­i­ty dumb old­school punk crank­i­ness of the heav­i­ly KBD-lean­ing kind, made by two mem­bers of L.A. weirdos Launch­er. What's not to like?

Al­bum-Stream →

Cosas Ilegales - Cosas Ilegales

This is al­ready the sec­ond awe­some re­lease for this week com­ing out of Mex­i­co. To be fair, this record is al­ready a few months old but still… there's clear­ly some­thing brew­ing over there. The de­but al­bum by this group is a high­ly con­cen­trat­ed caf­feine shot of drum ma­chine-dri­ven full-speed-straight-ahead garage punk with some slight sim­i­lar­i­ty to groups like S.B.F., Kid Chrome or Ar­se. Some­times noisy, some­times melod­ic, al­ways catchy and ex­hil­a­rat­ing.

Al­bum-Stream →

Alien Nosejob - HC45-2

This is the sec­ond hard­core 7" of muteant Jake Robertson's Alien Nose­job for Iron Lung Records, his third har­core-cen­tric re­lease over­all if i didn't miss any­thing. And of course it's yet an­oth­er de­light­ful batch of play­ful, in­ven­tive takes on the genre. What else did you ex­pect?

Al­bum-Stream →

Cosme - Demo

Now that thing's a treat! Some group from Ciu­dad López Ma­teos, Mex­i­co de­liv­ers a truck­load of pure joy on this tape, con­densed in­to three straight­for­ward-as-fuck bangers made out of fuzzed-out garage- and bub­blegum punk with some synth-sweet­ness on top, trans­mit­ting an undi­lut­ed sug­ar rush straight in­to your blood­stream.

Al­bum-Stream →

Dollhouse - The First Day Of Spring

Dollhouse's 2019 de­mo al­ready was a thor­ough­ly re­spectable blast of for­ward-think­ing noise and even more so is their new EP that came out re­cent­ly via Tox­ic State Records, thanks to a com­par­a­tive­ly slick pro­duc­tion putting their sound em­a­nat­ing from a gray area be­tween mod­ern hard­core, post punk and post­core in just the right light, bal­anc­ing abra­sive scuzz with sheer force. The whole thing calls to mind a re­fresh­ing­ly di­verse clus­ter of groups like Mys­tic Inane, Hot Snakes, Wymyns Prysyn, Launch­er, Ce­ment Shoes or Liq­uid As­sets.

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