Pizza Boys - A La Mierda con Papa John's​.​.​. Acá Están Los Pizza Boys

In a week al­ready pret­ty heavy on egg-re­lat­ed re­leas­es, all that's left for me to say about this de­but EP is that the good egghead gospel seems to have reached the right­eous peo­ple of Chile at last and that fact alone fills my heart with so much joy - of course al­so helped by this be­ing such a fun lit­tle record.

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Mainframe - Employee /​ RIP

Yet an­oth­er Good­bye Boozy 7" by a trio whose line­up is the stuff wet dreams of today's dis­tin­guished garage-, synth- and egg­punk con­nois­seur are made of, in­clud­ing con­nec­tions to Skull Cult and rough­ly half of the Warttman em­pire. The re­sults are rather unsurprising…ly awe­some!

Satanic Togas & Zoids - Split 7"

Speak­ing of the naughty one's fa­vorite gar­ments… they're al­so half the sub­ject of a nice new split 7" on Good­bye Boozy, de­liv­er­ing two short and sweet rip­pers with Strange At­trac­tion giv­ing off a strong Buck Biloxi & The Fucks vibe.
The songs by Zoids com­ple­ment this per­fect­ly, op­er­at­ing with­in sim­i­lar pa­ra­me­ters man­i­fest in both a straight­for­ward rockin' open­ing track and a de­light­ful­ly twist­ed fol­low-up.

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Easy Ego - Spit On Your Bitch

My care­ful­ly tuned anom­aly-de­tect­ing in­stru­ments are sens­ing some cu­ri­ous egghead ac­tiv­i­ty com­ing from Bel­gium, more specif­i­cal­ly from some Brus­sels one-man-act. And what a neat lit­tle qual­i­ty batch of songs has re­sult­ed from this. Fans of acts like Warm Ex­it, Set-Top Box, R.M.F.C. or Sa­tan­ic To­gas, re­joyce! Put a sub­lim­i­nal dun­geon smell on top and this is rough­ly where you'll end up. Al­so, there's some kind of an un­ex­pect­ed Spray Paint-goes-garage punk vibe go­ing on in Horse Pow­er.

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Detestados - Unidos

It ap­pears this Austin, Texas group's sec­ond full-length has al­ready been slow­ly rot­ting away on their band­camp page large­ly un­no­ticed for a while now. This has to change fast. The al­bum starts out some­what akin to the melod­ic Lo-Fi garage punk and pow­er pop of Vaguess or Boo­ji Boys, then cy­cles through var­i­ous it­er­a­tions of a slight­ly KBD-es­que garage-, and hard­core-lean­ing sound not en­tire­ly un­like re­cent acts in the Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets, Fried Egg or Frea­kees vein, with the oc­ca­sion­al sub­tle Gun Club vibe. Al­so, there's a beau­ti­ful­ly sham­bol­ic cov­er ver­sion of Minutemen's Coro­na that man­ages to not suck in the slight­est. Now all of you go make these dudes filthy rich and fa­mous!

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Kerø - Four Track Demo

An­oth­er de­li­cious left­over from last week is this de­but EP by an aus­tralian group, made up of four flaw­less hard­core-meets-garage punk bangers, the straight and sim­ple Frus­trat­ed Youth be­ing noth­ing short of a time­less an­them. In­evitably i'm re­mind­ed of Ce­ment Shoes and - to a less­er de­gree - ear­li­er Elec­tric Chair, Chain­shot or Exxon.

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Dee Bee Rich - 4

One of my fa­vorite uniden­ti­fied noise-emit­ting Berlin en­ti­ties has done it again! Gear up to be en­rap­tured by four of his newest, straight­for­ward-yet-play­ful lo-fi garage- and post punk jams.

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Night Lunch - Table For Two

On their lat­est EP this Dunedin, New Zee­land pow­er duo un­leash­es a bloody hell of noise rock with a vage­ly in­dus­tri­al feel to it, but al­so of the some­what sludgy va­ri­ety that al­ways takes a lot of re­fine­ment to not bore me to death. Yet these guys ef­fort­less­ly pull that thing off, re­mind­ing me - among oth­er things - of groups like Haunt­ed Hors­es or Wax Chat­tels.

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Las Hiedras - Contradicciones

An awe­some lit­tle de­but mi­ni-LP by a Buenos Aires group. Re­volv­ing around a more-or-less old­school-ish, brass-en­hanced style of garage- and art punk vague­ly rem­i­nis­cent of Down­town Boys, they cer­tain­ly like to mix things up a bit here and there when they oc­ca­sion­al­ly en­ter post punk ter­ri­to­ry or try on a '77-touched Buz­zcocks-meet-Un­der­tones pow­er­pop vibe like in Sin tu amor, keep­ing this a fun and en­ter­tain­ing ride through­out. While not every­thing hits the bulls-eye quite yet (Ya no soy is sim­ply too lit­tle of an ac­tu­al song), most of it works out just beau­ti­ful­ly.

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Full Toilet - Why

As a coun­ter­bal­ance to my last post, here's kind of a mu­si­cal shit­post cre­at­ed by some seat­tle dude who al­so hap­pened to play in one or the oth­er lo­cal leg­end you might have heard of. A four­teen-act rock opera of 7"-sized pro­por­tions that kin­da plays out like an odd fu­sion of 80's Nomeansno, ear­ly Min­ute­men and Sac­cha­rine Trust… chances are i'm al­ready over­think­ing this though.

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