On their sec­ond long­play­er, New Or­leans group Waste Man have got­ten rid al­most en­tire­ly of the hard­core el­e­ments that were still front and cen­ter on their in­cred­i­ble 2018 tape A New Type Of Wor­ry, but that doesn't mean their newest LP is any less thrilling. Quite on the con­traty, this has be­come both their most am­bi­tious and well-round­ed re­lease so far, a cap­ti­vat­ing and un­pre­dictable ride at dif­fer­ent points re­mind­ing me of smar­ty­pants garage punk of the Vin­tage Crop, Dumb or Ura­ni­um Club va­ri­ety, art punk akin to Lith­hics or Pat­ti as well as con­tem­po­rary post punk in the vein of Pub­lic Eye, The Go­tobeds and Bam­bara… at the same time emit­ting some dis­tinct­ly old­school vibes - faint echoes of Wire and Sac­cha­rine Trust be­ing the most no­tice­able ones here.