Lux - New Day

Barcelona's Lux al­ready have a de­mo and a promis­ing de­but al­bum un­der their belt, but with this re­cent EP their sound re­al­ly clicks in­to gear, in which some of the more ex­cen­tric strands of 80s post- and hard­core punk - Man Sized Ac­tion and The Pro­le­tari­at come to mind - col­lide with dis­tinc­tive goth/​deathpunk bass lines. You might al­so be re­mind­ed of more re­cend bands like Street Eaters or the po­tent cow­punk propul­sion of Mur­der­er.

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Austerity - Anarcho Punk Dance Party

What the ti­tle promis­es, this record de­liv­ers. Dance­able shit? You bet! An­ar­chist mes­sages? Tons of those get pro­claimed here in such den­si­ty you re­al­ly can't miss or ig­nore them. Mu­si­cal­ly, this is not ex­act­ly some­thing you'd as­so­ciate with an­ar­cho punk, al­though this stuff clear­ly has much of the same spir­it. This is in­fec­touis post punk with a punchy post­core edge which, de­spite its dance­floor ef­fec­tive­ness, al­so suc­ceeds in the noise de­part­ment, show­ing no fear of wak­ing up the neigh­bors. This, and their ex­plic­it­ly po­lit­i­cal lyrics seper­ate them quite a bit from last decade's short-lived dance punk ex­plo­sion. In­stead of New York cool you get an ap­pro­pri­ate­ly blunt and dis­tinct­ly british sense of ur­gency, even as they seem to share many of the same in­flu­ences. Gang Of Four, ob­vi­ous­ly, as well as Min­ute­men, mid- to late eight­ies Mem­branes, The Pop Group. And in the present, com­par­ing them to Tics, Pill, Slumb Par­ty, Spe­cial In­ter­est or UZS wouldn't be too far off.

Al­bum-Stream →

Sandré - Ave Muñón

On their de­but LP, Barcelona's San­dré de­liv­er a round­house kick of un­err­ing pre­ci­sion, a sound lo­cat­ed some­where on the fringes of post punk, post- and noisec­ore; al­ways keep­ing the del­i­cate bal­ance be­tween a raw, im­me­di­ate im­pact and self-con­fi­dent am­bi­tion. Spec­u­lat­ing about pos­si­ble in­flu­ences, i'm think­ing of a wide ar­ray of bands like Down­town Boys, ear­ly Die! Die! Die!, Les Savy Fav - but i'm al­so feel­ing a very dis­tinct vibe akin to oth­er span­ish acts of re­cent years, es­pe­cial­ly the likes of Ju­ven­tud Juché, Be­tu­niz­er and Cubano Vale.

Al­bum-Stream →

Warp - Traffic Control

Warp hail from San Fran­cis­co and have mem­bers of - among oth­ers - Flesh World and Blank Square among their line­up. Their de­but al­bum is al­ready kick­ing butts in a ful­ly con­vinc­ing fash­ion and de­liv­ers an adorably ex­cen­tric sound rough­ly in the realm of fuzz- & garage punk, hard- & post­core which comes across just as un­pol­ished as it's in­ven­tive. The whole thing is some­what rem­i­nis­cent of bands like Vexx or Dots, as well as the oc­ca­sion­al faint echo of Sur­fa Rosa-era Pix­ies. Qual­i­ty stuff!

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