Safety Net - Art

Last year's Health EP was some qual­i­ty shit al­ready but their newest re­lease is just so ridicu­lous­ly ap­peal­ing i wasn't at all pre­pared for that kind of may­hem. This trio is from Nashville and i sus­pect that Con­nor and Sean are the very same dudes best known as Skull Cult oth­er­wise - not a fuckin' clue who Cam is. Oh, and there's one more thing: Be­ing in charge of mix­ing and mas­ter­ing, none oth­er than Erik Ner­vous left his own trade­mark beer stains all over this cas­sette whose sound is just as wild and eclec­tic as con­sis­tent­ly catchy. Some echoey garage surf twang? Spaced out psy­che­del­ic freak­outs? Wire & Mis­sion of Bur­ma vib­in' on Ben­zos? You name it! And hov­er­ing even a notch above all that shit, there's the down­right per­fect 70s pow­er pop-meets-80s hair met­al mas­ter­piece Be With You, a knock­out punch of the most pleas­ant kind.

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Alien Nosejob - Paint It Clear

Um… what mean­ing­ful thing is there left to say about a new Alien Nose­job record at this point? They kin­da come in two shapes: The grab bag style ones where Mr. Robert­son branch­es out in every di­rec­tion pos­si­ble and the hy­per­fo­cussed mono­cul­ture ones where he dou­bles down on a sin­gle genre - like his hard­core 7"s for ex­am­ple or that synth pop/​eurotrash 12" maxi a while ago. Well, this one's an­oth­er grab bag record and apart from that, it's just the plain old usu­al awe­some­ness we've all come to ex­pect from this dude who seems ut­ter­ly un­able to write a dull tune.

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Aborted Tortoise - A Album

I've been way late to the par­ty when it comes to notic­ing this Perth group but since i first did, they just kept out­do­ing them­selves with every new re­lease, their lat­est LP eas­i­ly quail­fy­ing as a top-tier buck­et of fun for the dis­cern­ing garage punk con­nois­seur and es­pe­cial­ly for ad­mir­ers of Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points, Dumb or Vin­tage Crop.

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Disli - Disciplina Limitar

Garage punk from Spain that hits all the right spots dead-on and con­veys ex­act­ly that kind of ex­plo­sive mo­men­tum of a band hun­gry to play - the kind of vibe that's been a bit scarce re­cent­ly, ow­ing to ob­vi­ous cir­cum­stances. To me, their sound calls to mind bits and pieces of Dadar, Sauna Youth, Ex-Cult, Con­stant Mon­grel, Jack­son Reid Brig­gs or Pedi­gree while al­so re­veal­ing a strong post punk vibe at times, kin­da like Berlin groups such as Pi­geon, Diät, Pret­ty Hurts cross­bred with the melan­cholic moods of Red Dons, Telecult or Night­watch­ers.

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Print Head - Boringboring /​ IDKWTFimdoing

Yay! New shit by that per­son or group who might or might not be based in Hicksville, NY and whose 2020 garage-/post-/eg­g­punk bor­der­line-mas­ter­piece Hap­py­hap­py made me ex­act­ly that. So now we get a new short play­ing Hi-Fi ex­pe­ri­ence as well as some oth­er, slight­ly less short and ever-so-slight­ly less Hi-Fi thing. Bor­ing this cer­tain­ly ain't and as for that oth­er thing… i think i have some ba­sic idea what they don't think they know the fuck they're do­ing and they're do­ing it just fine and it's fuck­ing glo­ri­ous and i love every fuck­ing sec­ond of it!

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Jackson Reid Briggs - Fear​/​​Move

I got­ta ad­mit i had some trou­ble warm­ing up to the last few Jack­son Reid Brig­gs re­leas­es, whose pro­duc­tion seemed just a bit too-much-of-every­thing for my taste. On this newest EP how­ev­er, record­ed dur­ing a breather be­tween Australia's covid lock­downs with a line-up which, i as­sume, is dif­fer­ent from his usu­al "Heaters", is just burst­ing with fresh en­er­gy chan­neled in­to four of his strongest jams, pre­sent­ed in a much slimmed down, un­ex­pect­ed­ly play­ful fash­ion.

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The Cowboy - Riddles From The Universe

Cleve­land punks The Cow­boy have yet to re­lease a record that doesn't to­tal­ly rip and their third LP won't dis­s­a­point ei­ther with their sound feel­ing per­fect­ly worn in and at this point, i'd say they've es­tab­lished their very own, in­stant­ly rec­og­niz­able mi­cro-niche on the in­ter­sec­tion of propul­sive garage punk and abra­sive noise rock while still break­ing things up enough to keep shit in­ter­est­ing.

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Daisy Daisy - Fairy Liquid

The de­but EP of this group from Utrecht, Nether­lands is pure con­cen­trat­ed joy from start to fin­ish, chan­neled in­to five prop­er­ly de­ment­ed synth-/garage punk jams won­drous­ly able to by­pass the in­tel­lect en­tire­ly on­ly to make an even big­ger splash with your pri­mal in­stincts. Neat!

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Dead Finks - The Death and Resurrection of Johnathan Cowboy

Hav­ing re­leased a some­what hit-and-miss de­but tape last year, the Berlin group's newest LP shows off a con­sid­er­ably ma­tured, heav­i­ly roots- and folk-in­flu­enced fla­vor of post punk whose over­all vibe echoes the amer­i­cana-/cow­punk of Angst while al­so evok­ing with a bit of post-Mi­a­mi Gun Club and so­lo Rikk Ag­new. Among their con­tem­po­raries, you might com­pare them to groups such as Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters and Low Life. Oth­er times, like in Re­an­i­ma­tion, Piss­ing and Look Of Dis­gust you can sense a cer­tain british in­va­sion-style melan­cho­lia with hints of The Res­onars or The Be­vis Frond. So in a nut­shell, this ain't quite your av­er­age se­lec­tion of in­gre­di­ents for a punk al­bum… which kin­da makes this a per­fect fit for Er­ste Theke Ton­träger who, as i just learned, are gonna be han­dling the eu­ro­pean vinyl re­lease of this beau­ty.

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Algara - Absortos En El Tedio Eterno

Barcelona group Al­gara ini­tial­ly burst on­to the scene last year with a four track de­mo as an elec­tro punk duo, which then quick­ly grew in­to a four-piece group and prompt­ly re­leased an­oth­er tape con­sist­ing of a re-record­ing of the first EP's songs as well as some tracks meant for their first long­play­er, which we fi­nal­ly get to wit­ness in its full glo­ry now. In the mean­time their sound has evolved in­to a com­pact and ef­fort­less­ly flow­ing fu­sion of post-, garage- and elec­tro punk that might be de­scribed as a mix of ISS, Straw Man Army, Rank/​Xerox and UZS, on­ly bro­ken up right in the mid­dle by the strong syn­th­wave flour­ish­es of He­do­nistas.

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