S:Bahn - Queen of Diamonds

This Mel­bourne group has been around be­fore. That was some­time dur­ing the 90's and back then, their sound could be de­scribed as your typ­i­cal, slight­ly emo-fied post­core style of that pe­ri­od with echoes of Chavez, Slint and Pol­vo. Their first new songs in a quar­ter-cen­tu­ry how­ev­er are quite far from a nos­tal­gic re­tread of their ear­li­er tunes. In­stead, we get pre­sent­ed an all-new and slick post punk sound clear­ly be­long­ing in­to the present day, which doesn't look out of place among acts like say, Sleepies, Go­tobeds or Drahla, at the same time sound­ing rather time­less and ma­ture in all the best ways, at times al­so evok­ing a sub­tle Mov­ing Tar­gets or Vol­cano Suns vibe.

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Sarcasm - Creeping Life

It's been a few years since i last heard of Lon­don group Sar­casm. On their lat­est and, ap­par­ent­ly, last EP their ul­tra-min­i­mal­ist post punk with strong hints of Crass and more re­cent bands like Mar­bled Eye, Rank/​Xerox or La­bor still sounds pret­ty much as if not a minute has gone by since then, which is to­tal­ly fine with me. Quite pos­si­bly, these songs were record­ed not long af­ter their 2017 Malar­i­al Bog EP.

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Warm Exit - Warm Exit 7"

Brus­sels group Warm Ex­it has a new EP out and just as i sus­pect­ed that thing fuckin' rules. Four new high volt­age garage-/synth punk smash­ers some­where in the neigh­bor­hood of Pow­er­plant, Aus­muteants or what­ev­er the Warttman em­pire is up to right now.

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Big Jar of Mayo - Big Jar of Mayo

More qual­i­ty shit cour­te­sey of Deluxe Bias. This ab­surd­ly short cass­in­gle of noise in the realm of KBD-in­formed weird­core, garage- and post punk will sure be a de­light to folks who've al­ready de­vel­oped a huge bon­er for Mys­tic Inane, Rolex or Fried E/​M.

Trigger Cut - Rogo

On their sec­ond LP, noise rock/​postcore trio Trig­ger Cut con­sid­er­ably raise the en­er­gy lev­el with­out sac­ri­fic­ing much of the pre­ci­sion work, so­phis­ti­cat­ed struc­tures and arrange­ments we've al­ready wit­nessed on their de­but al­bum. Es­pe­cial­ly in the first half there are some se­ri­ous Jaw­box and Bas­tro vibes go­ing on. In the past i'd have told you that Ralf Schaarschmidt's cur­rent and past bands are among the very best the ger­man noise rock scene has to of­fer but hon­est­ly, at this point, even world­wide there aren't that many groups op­er­at­ing at their lev­el.

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Ope - Tapes 1-3

Here's a holdover from last week by a sin­gle Mil­wau­kee dude (i guess) that i first planned to omit here but on clos­er lis­ten­ing turned out to be much stronger than i ini­tial­ly thought. A catchy, dreamy, melan­cholic blend of lo-fi noise pop, or­gan-and-synth punk un­folds on these tapes that al­so ra­di­ates a good deal of old­school Fly­ing Nun-type psy­che­delia.

Nick Cage - Lost Cause

Man, this has been a lame week as far as new mu­sic is con­cerned. I don't wan­na with­hold from you one stand­out re­lease though, this lit­tle gem op­er­at­ing right in the mid­dle be­tween garage punk, hard- and post­core - kin­da like a mix be­tween Fried E/​M, Mod­ern Needs, Mys­tic Inane… with a spoon­ful of Dri­ve Like Je­hu thrown in at the right mo­ments.

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Nag - Observer

Fol­low­ing last year's some­what more re­fined full-length de­but, the sec­ond LP by At­lanta dark-/post punk group Nag feels more like a throw­back to their ear­li­er EPs - and i mean that in all the best ways. These songs are raw as fuck, the arrange­ments al­most as sparse as you can pos­si­bly stretch the genre be­fore it's gonna col­lapse. Why write a god­damn nov­el when all you need to get across is a sin­gle but rather des­per­ate sen­tence?

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Nice Surprise - Nice Surprise

Nice sur­prise in­deed, this lathe cut 7" de­but by some Austin duo mak­ing catchy noise some­where in the realm of pow­er- and garage pop. Es­pe­cial­ly the killer A-Side I'm Old will no doubt be a feast for fans of bands like Tom­my & The Com­mies, Bad Sports, Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Cheap Whine or Son­ic Av­enues.

Exxxon - Gas Tape /​ More Gas

This group of un­clear prove­nance re­cent­ly put out their sec­ond tape - once again via Wyoming cas­sette la­bel Deluxe Bias - and just like the first one it's a mas­sive lo-fi blast of noise that sounds a bit like The Stooges and MC5 reimag­ined as a hard­core band. A certein Bad Brains dri­ve adds even more to the over­all old­school vibe and in the cur­rent scene, you might de­scribe them as a slight­ly souped-up ver­sion of Vexx… yeah, makes per­fect sense i guess. Their fuel's got 50% more X.