Boogie Board - Station

Some chica­go dude's lat­est EP de­liv­ers four and a half short & sweet bursts of ex­tra blown-out krauty space­rockin' psy­che­del­ic garage fuzz ec­sta­sy. De­struc­tion Unit-meet-Chrome, Drag­gs col­lide with Dr. Mix & The Remix. Turn on, tune in and… run to your stereo and hit play again 'cos the whole thing is on­ly nine min­utes long.

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Super X - Super X

This tape by Mel­bourne group Su­per-X isn't ex­act­ly new stuff, but that shit is way to strong not to be men­tioned here. Wit­ness a son­ic spec­ta­cle un­fold, fus­ing the old garage-/pro­to punk fuzz of Fun House-era Stooges with spaced out vibes not un­like De­struc­tion Unit or ear­ly Tele­scopes, all the while drag­ging along with it some traces of con­tem­po­rary post punk.

Hamer - Hamer

Whoa… three years af­ter i first no­ticed this band from leeds and a quite charm­ing, chaot­ic ear­ly EP of theirs, i hon­est­ly didn't ex­pect their de­but al­bum to blow my socks off the way it did just now. In­stead of the EP's re­laxed DIY-Vibes you now find your­self in the mid­dle of a fe­ro­cious high speed trip whose rough co­or­di­nates hov­er some­where be­tween fuzzed out space-, psych- and garage punk. Sure, these Songs won't win any awards for their orig­i­nal­i­ty but to­tal­ly make up for that by de­vel­op­ing in­to a blast so po­tent and rest­less it doesn't give you a sec­ond to think about such bull­shit any­way. I'm re­mind­ed of bands like De­struc­tion Unit, Wash, Flat Worms, Drag­gs or even japan­ese genre vet­er­ans High Rise.

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