Alien Nosejob - HC45-2

This is the sec­ond hard­core 7" of muteant Jake Robertson's Alien Nose­job for Iron Lung Records, his third har­core-cen­tric re­lease over­all if i didn't miss any­thing. And of course it's yet an­oth­er de­light­ful batch of play­ful, in­ven­tive takes on the genre. What else did you ex­pect?

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Cosme - Demo

Now that thing's a treat! Some group from Ciu­dad López Ma­teos, Mex­i­co de­liv­ers a truck­load of pure joy on this tape, con­densed in­to three straight­for­ward-as-fuck bangers made out of fuzzed-out garage- and bub­blegum punk with some synth-sweet­ness on top, trans­mit­ting an undi­lut­ed sug­ar rush straight in­to your blood­stream.

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Set-Top Box - Max Headroom

An­oth­er tasty four­some of catchy, quirky garage- and syn­th­punk blasts sees this rather mys­te­ri­ous aus­tralian group/​project con­tin­u­al­ly creep­ing to­wards de­vofied DIY punk per­fec­tion, so­lid­i­fy­ing their ever-ris­ing sta­tus among their genre pool's supreme present-day über­dudes.

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Civic - Future Forecast

This Mel­bourne group's first long­play­er is a seam­less con­tin­u­a­tion of what was al­ready so lov­able about their pre­vi­ous EPs. Sure, their style of old­school garage punk with that un­de­ni­able Ra­dio Bird­man vibe has grown a quite long beard by now, but what a charm­ing and glo­ri­ous beard that is! To be fair, they're al­so try­ing out some new things here, at some points let­ting a touch of Wipers shine through, dab­bling in dark post punk or try­ing their hands at Am­Rep-style sludgy noise rock. But let's not kid our­selves here; what this group does best at this mo­ment is knock­ing out one straight­for­ward yet so­phis­ti­cat­ed rock­er af­ter an­oth­er with amaz­ing con­fi­dence.

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T.L.B.M. & The Joy Toys - T.L.B.M. & The Joy Toys

For every pur­chase of this nice lit­tle cas­sette put out by our fa­vorite in­cor­po­rat­ed pur­vey­ors of in­no­v­a­tive dis­con­ti­nu­ity you al­so get a free fake ori­gin sto­ry. 1982 my ass, this is of course still the same dude who did this oth­er thing a while back. Though his newest out­put con­tains a bit less weird fuck­ery, it makes up for that with a lot more fuzz, more melodies and neg­a­tive ze­ro pro­duc­tion val­ues that sound just right to my ears.

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The Stools - Half Track Mind

From the al­ways ex­cel­lent UK pow­er­house Drunk­en Sailor Records we get an­oth­er de­li­cious 7" of full of raw and prim­i­tive, fuzzed-out and hy­per­ven­ti­lat­ing, at times hard­core-pro­pelled garage punk bliss by a De­troit group, eas­i­ly eclips­ing their re­cent EP on Good­bye Boozy Recs which i liked a lot al­ready.

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Dark Web - Decoy

Their 2018 Clone Age LP sure had its mo­ments, but this Philadel­phia group's sec­ond al­bum is just plain spec­tac­u­lar, their songs be­ing so much more fleshed out, their sound hav­ing so much more grip to it and the propul­sive rhythms car­ry­ing an over­all vibe bring­ing to mind The Spits or Mind Spi­ders. This is some catchy old­school garage punk per­fec­tion right here.

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Germ House - World's A Chore

An­oth­er ex­cel­lent EP by Rhode Island's Germ House, a so­lo project of Justin Hub­bard who al­so hap­pens to be play­ing in Far Cor­ners. These three songs once again sparkle with his fa­mil­iar stripped-down lo-fi charme and a son­ic range that stretch­es from abra­sive post- and art punk - which sure­ly owes a thing or two to The Fall or Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles - to clas­sic garage rock and con­tem­po­rary garage punk, while al­so re­veal­ing a sur­pris­ing catchy­ness, deep melan­choly and a play­ful vibe rem­i­nis­cent of The Woolen Men.

Pringue - The Age Of Cringe

A fresh batch of fucked up lo-fi DIY garage punk jew­els by some barcelona group, re­mind­ing me of so much that's good right now in the genre. Like a weird mix of R.M.F.C., Neo Neos, Erik Ner­vous, Alien Nose­job in hard­core mode… al­so, there's a strik­ing sim­i­lar­i­ty to fel­low barcelo­ni­ans Prison Af­fair. Wait, are these the same band?

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Warm Exit - Warm Exit 7"

Brus­sels group Warm Ex­it has a new EP out and just as i sus­pect­ed that thing fuckin' rules. Four new high volt­age garage-/synth punk smash­ers some­where in the neigh­bor­hood of Pow­er­plant, Aus­muteants or what­ev­er the Warttman em­pire is up to right now.

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