Dee Bee Rich - 4

One of my fa­vorite uniden­ti­fied noise-emit­ting Berlin en­ti­ties has done it again! Gear up to be en­rap­tured by four of his newest, straight­for­ward-yet-play­ful lo-fi garage- and post punk jams.

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Las Hiedras - Contradicciones

An awe­some lit­tle de­but mi­ni-LP by a Buenos Aires group. Re­volv­ing around a more-or-less old­school-ish, brass-en­hanced style of garage- and art punk vague­ly rem­i­nis­cent of Down­town Boys, they cer­tain­ly like to mix things up a bit here and there when they oc­ca­sion­al­ly en­ter post punk ter­ri­to­ry or try on a '77-touched Buz­zcocks-meet-Un­der­tones pow­er­pop vibe like in Sin tu amor, keep­ing this a fun and en­ter­tain­ing ride through­out. While not every­thing hits the bulls-eye quite yet (Ya no soy is sim­ply too lit­tle of an ac­tu­al song), most of it works out just beau­ti­ful­ly.

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Egg Idiot - Egg Idiot

Some pa­thet­ic los­er in Leipzig, Ger­many is play­ing around with bleep-emit­ting hard­ware and record­ing equip­ment, not yet ful­ly re­al­iz­ing this leads to him end­ing up fight­ing the good bat­tle at the fore­front of the egghead rev­o­lu­tion. This record is a fuck­ing mas­ter­piece you need to have in your life. Hav­ing on­ly lis­tened to it once, i al­ready feel a lot smarter, more bal­anced - full en­light­en­ment on­ly inch­es away. Al­most be­ing a wise old man my­self, i can't stress enough how fuck­ing proud i am of this lit­tle shit.

Al­bum-Stream →

Mononegatives - Apparatus Division

This Lon­don, On­tario group had put out a cou­ple of al­ready quite neat EP's in 2019 but it's on­ly on their new full length de­but that all the mov­ing pieces re­al­ly click in­to place for twelve 12XU-cer­ti­fied killer tracks made up of charm­ing­ly odd, high­ly in­ven­tive and ex­quis­ite­ly en­er­getic garage-, synth- and post punk echo­ing shit like Use­less Eaters, Pow!, Ex-Cult and Preda­tor.

Al­bum-Stream →

Ghoulies - Reprogram

This week's manda­to­ry in­jec­tion of De­vo-ish garage- and synth-punk comes from some Perth based group whose quirky and catchy sounds sure­ly won't fail to more than ad­e­quate­ly re-vi­tal­ize ad­mir­ers of groups like Skull Cult, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Alien Nose­job, Iso­tope Soap or Erik Ner­vous.

Al­bum-Stream →

Predator - Spiral Unfolds

I've been a bit late to the par­ty when it comes to this At­lanta group which has been around for over a decade by now, with their 2018 No Face 7" be­ing my first ex­po­sure to them. Al­so, i didn't know at that time they're shar­ing mem­bers with post punk min­i­mal­ists Nag. Now that cer­tain­ly makes sense. Not on­ly is this clear­ly the same singer here, but there are al­so abun­dant son­ic sim­i­lar­i­ties to note. Preda­tor kin­da sound like the slight­ly more so­cia­ble cousin to Nag, lean­ing heav­ier in­to garage ter­ri­to­ry with oc­ca­sion­al hard­core mo­ments. I mean like… at times they al­most sound like they're ac­tu­al­ly en­joy­ing them­selves!

Hear the full thing on Band­camp →

Hideous Sun Demon - Development Hell

This Mel­bourne group's newest EP starts out quite good, then be­comes even bet­ter with every song, first sug­gest­ing kind of a mix be­tween synth-less (at first) Aus­muteants, Ex-Cult, Sauna Youth, ear­ly Teenanger… but al­so with a slight post punk edge á la Flat Worms, Con­stant Mon­grel. The lat­ter ten­den­cy (plus the for­mer­ly elu­sive synths) then kicks in­to over­drive in the record's sec­ond half and that's where things go from good to great, cul­mi­nat­ing in the epic an­ti-hymn Aus­tralia - an un­mis­tak­able fuck you to na­tion­al­ism in their home coun­try whose lyrics strike me as un­apolo­get­i­cal­ly frank and straight­for­ward.

Al­bum-Stream →

OK Satán - Fatal Insomniac

I know you've all been wait­ing for this. The sec­ond dis­patch from Copen­hagen garage-/hard­core punk duo OK Satán has ar­rived, fill­ing us in on sev­en epic new sto­ries from their mag­i­cal world lim­it­ed on­ly by an ever-ex­pand­ing tech­ni­col­or hori­zon, deal­ing with im­por­tant and con­tro­ver­sial top­ics such as their names, your very prob­lem­at­ic face and them not giv­ing a shit. An­oth­er bril­liant, mul­ti-lay­ered mas­ter­piece!

Al­bum-Stream →

TVO - Alive!

An awe­some new ruckus let loose by some Philadel­phia group, equal parts garage punk and noise rock and car­ry­ing the spir­it of so much clas­sic shit on the in­ter­sec­tion of old school (post-) punk and (pro­to-) noise rock. At one point you might re­call Braini­ac, but most­ly it's 80's stuff like U-Men, X (AUS), Flip­per, Feed­time, No Trend… even a hint of ear­ly Min­ute­men shines through on the clos­ing track. Of the more re­cent scene, i'm think­ing of acts like Cutie or Pat­ti.

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