Com­ing off a se­ries of neat EPs last year, Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey garage group or, prob­a­bly, so­lo artist Die TV re­turns with a new al­bum pre­sent­ing their tunes in an even more stripped-down, low-key man­ner at first glance, yet un­der­neath the unas­sum­ing sur­face un­folds a spec­tac­u­lar fire­works of DIY cre­ativ­i­ty. While at some points you may still find the oc­ca­sion­al speck of Spits or Stal­ins of Sound in there, Die TV's strum­my, jan­g­ly blend of garage- and post punk with sprin­kles of psy­che­delia comes in­to even sharp­er fo­cus here, the min­i­mal­ist pro­duc­tion pro­vid­ing plen­ty of breath­ing room for the melan­choly, sparkling gui­tar arrange­ments with more than a lit­tle hint of Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles in some places, Pow­er Plant or Freak Genes in oth­ers, even a touch of Dig­i­tal Leather in the mut­ed pop vibes of Goner. Don't let first im­pres­sions fool you, this is quite po­tent and awe­some shit from start to fin­ish!