Verspannungskassette #41 (C-74)

R.M.F.C. Ac­cess
Dogsnot­Gods Dead Zone
Night­man Night­man
Plat­inum Crack! Go To Work
Five Bucks Back Home
Sex Mex Big Joke
Nubot555 Burn­ing the Shell
Oyo Lam­ot­rig­i­na 0
Re­pul­sion Switch Pla­ga
The Gobs Tuffer Than You
Coke Asian Hard On
Os­ees A Foul Form

Cur­leys We Say No
Fer­al Un­der Pres­sure
Re­po Man I Don't Think So
Gel Men­tal Sta­t­ic
Speck The So­cial
Tooth Paint Post Of­fice
Zhoop On The Road
The Chats Out On The Street
Gluer Pump­ing the Iron
Clamm Care
Exwhite Vic­tims

Er­ste Hil­fe Back­stein­haus
Mononeg­a­tives Sec­ond Self
Freak Genes Mat­ter Will Move
Thy­roids Ex­ces­siv­ley Im­pres­sive
Gol­lo Fun­cionario
Big Scout BLN
Life­guard I Know I Know
Strand­ed (Get in the) #van­life
Mar­gar­i­tas Po­dri­das No Quiero ser Madre

Oth­er Half Slump
Mar­i­lyn Maria Watch­ing Amer­i­ca
Iso­la­tion In­ten­tion
Fi­la­ture Dans notre ville
Qitsch Flower Boy
Cri­sis Par­ty Ex­ist
Liq­uid Nails Day­light Again
TV Cult Ou­bli­ette

Clamm - Care

Clamm's fol­low-up to their al­ready strong 2020 de­but Be­seech Me is a mas­sive leap for­ward for the mel­bourne group and a stun­ning­ly con­fi­dent achieve­ment. Their garage punk dri­ven for­ward with un­re­lent­ing force is some­what rem­i­nis­cent of last-decade acts like Ex Cult and Sauna Youth or of more re­cent stuff in the vein of Flat Worms, The Cow­boy or their lo­cal con­tem­po­raries Hideous Sun De­mon. Apart from that, their songs of­ten have a slight psy­che­del­ic nudge to them not un­like De­struc­tion Unit or Hamer while, in oth­er places, there is some dark post punk un­der­cur­rent present re­mind­ing me of Con­stant Mon­grel or ear­ly Low Life.

Al­bum-Stream →

Isolation - Fabric Tear

A new EP by that Fal­mouth, UK goup con­sist­ing of most of In­ter­nal Credit's mem­bers, in­clud­ing Char­lie Mur­phy here on gui­tar and vo­cals - the dude's al­so in Freak Genes and The Red Cords. Their newest EP picks up right where the last one left off, which means that once again ex­cel­lent song­writ­ing chops col­lide with melod­ic and melan­choly, clear­ly Wipers in­flu­enced post- and garage punk which fans of Ner­vosas, The Es­tranged, Day­light Rob­bery, Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty or Anx­ious Liv­ing should by no means miss out on.

Al­bum-Stream →

Nubot555 - No Way Back

More in­cred­i­bly bonkers shit out of the bel­gian Bel­ly But­ton Records or­bit. What we get on this dude's de­but EP un­der the Nubot555 moniker (pre­vi­ous­ly the cul­prit has been do­ing shit as King Dick) is some garage- and elec­tro punk may­hem of the over­whelm­ing­ly egg-ish va­ri­ety. These lo-fi gems man­age to coun­ter­bal­ance all their quirky weirdnes with plen­ty of smarts and cre­ative en­er­gy, mak­ing for an im­pres­sive de­but eas­i­ly stand­ing out even in its fair­ly crowd­ed genre pool. I'd say Egg Id­iot have found their match here.

Al­bum-Stream →

Gluer - Gluer

On their first full length ef­fort, this Stock­holm group kicks up an ex­cel­lent fuss di­vid­ed in­to snap­py to-the-point punk blasts tak­ing place some­where be­tween the poles of garage punk, hard- and post­core with cer­tain par­al­lels to acts like Ten­e­ment Rats, Sick Thoughts and ear­ly Teenanger on the more garage-lean­ing side of things as well as garage-in­fused post­core acts such as Video, Cri­sis Man, As­cot Stab­ber, Bat­piss, Flow­ers Of Evil.

Al­bum-Stream →

Freak Genes - Hologram

You can't go wrong with any new re­lease by that UK garage-/synth punk duo team­ing up Pro­to Idiot's An­drew An­der­son with Char­ly Mur­phy of groups such as The Red Cords, In­ter­nal Cred­it and Iso­la­tion. Af­ter ex­plor­ing a more cold, min­i­mal synth aes­thet­ic sound on their pre­vi­ous LP, this one presents them in a some­what fuller sound and prob­a­bly at their catchi­est so far, chan­nel­ing pri­mar­i­ly the spir­it of first-wave synth punk acts á la Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors, Ner­vous Gen­der, Scream­ers, Units, Min­i­mal Man and of course De­vo (duh!), while from the cur­rent land­scape, com­par­isons to Iso­tope Soap or Alien Nose­job in full-on elec­tro mode may be drawn as well.

Al­bum-Stream →

Meat Wave - What Would You Like Me To Do

Ma­lign Hex re­leas­es Oc­to­ber 14 via Swa­mi Records /​ Big Scary Mon­sters /​ Let's Pre­tent Records.

TV Cult - Oubilette

The Drin - Reach Through The Midnight

Down The Riv­er In The Dis­tance re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 21st via Man­gel Records.