Clamm's fol­low-up to their al­ready strong 2020 de­but Be­seech Me is a mas­sive leap for­ward for the mel­bourne group and a stun­ning­ly con­fi­dent achieve­ment. Their garage punk dri­ven for­ward with un­re­lent­ing force is some­what rem­i­nis­cent of last-decade acts like Ex Cult and Sauna Youth or of more re­cent stuff in the vein of Flat Worms, The Cow­boy or their lo­cal con­tem­po­raries Hideous Sun De­mon. Apart from that, their songs of­ten have a slight psy­che­del­ic nudge to them not un­like De­struc­tion Unit or Hamer while, in oth­er places, there is some dark post punk un­der­cur­rent present re­mind­ing me of Con­stant Mon­grel or ear­ly Low Life.