The Carp - Demo

Kick­ass me­chan­i­cal post punk from Cleve­land, Ohio. From the very first notes it doesn't take much of a ge­nius to fig­ure the ob­vi­ous in­volve­ment of Know­so mem­bers and it ap­pears there are al­so con­nec­tions to Cru­el­ster, among oth­ers. While Know­so stay the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son here, there's al­so a slight sem­blance of At­lanta rip­pers Nag and Preda­tor. At oth­er times the're branch­ing out in­to a Wire-es­qe vibe as in Cut Ups while The Old Way bears some sim­i­lar­i­ty to the bad-trip cow­punk of Mur­der­er.

Al­bum-Stream →

Liquid Lunch - Road King

The Min­neapo­lis group's de­but EP last year was al­to­geth­er ex­cel­lent stuff al­ready, yet on their most re­cent out­put they still up their game con­sid­er­ably - some added punch ow­ing to a mod­est in­crease in pro­duc­tion val­ues per­fect­ly match­es up to a sub­stan­tial­ly cranked-up en­er­gy lev­el on the group's part, show­cas­ing their quirky and play­ful style of garage- and synth punk from their best side yet. Don't miss out on this if shit á la Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Erik Ner­vous, Aus­muteants, Liq­uids or Spodee Boy means any­thing to you!

Al­bum-Stream →

Glaas - Qualm

Re­li­able qual­i­ty shit from the Berlin post punk scene, once again fea­tur­ing some of the usu­al sus­pects known from groups such as Use­less Eaters, Id­io­ta Civl­iz­zat­to, Clock Of Time, Ex­it Group… and boy does it sound like it, es­pe­cial­ly with re­gards to the lat­ter two bands, strik­ing a sleep­walk­ing bal­ance be­tween clas­sic death rock flour­ish­es, tight-ass grooves and noisy tex­tures. Though not ex­act­ly push­ing the bound­aries of the worn-in, dis­tinc­tive Berlin sound, they nonethe­less man­age to stray just far enough from their son­ic com­fort zones to keep things fresh and in­ter­est­ing while even in their most con­ven­tion­al mo­ments, their vig­or­ous thrust nev­er fails to elec­tri­fy.

Al­bum-Stream →

Flash - Nazkauta Nitxiok

Flash re­leas­es Sep­tem­ber 2nd via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos.

Quitsch - Power

Every­thing Is Like Every­thing re­leas­es Au­gust 11th via order05records.

Sex Mex - Outta Here

Out­ta Here re­leas­es Au­gust 5th.

Girls In Synthesis - Watch With Mother

Verspannungskassette #39 (C-90)

Mus­tard De­gradoli
Sick Thoughts Moth­er, I Love Sa­tan
Chained Bliss Drifter
Doe St The Old Guard
The Uglies Pyra­mid
Mum­bler Check­ing Out
Zhoop Sun­rise Splice
Scat­ter­braini­ac Three Fin­gers Point­ing Back To You
Gripe Tor­res
Re­flex Per­spec­tive
Es­trume Fati­ga
Black Dog Ab­solute Dis­as­ter
Ban­shee Scream La­dy Death An­gel

Se­lene Del­ga­do Cock Cage
SPAD Lo­tion For Ma­nip­u­la­tor
G.R.O.S.S. Car­bon
Bad Breed­ing Death March
Trenchraid In­hu­man Sys­tem
The Dump­ies Kin­da Weird
Snif­fany & The Nits Chick­en Liv­er
Hys­teric Polemix The Col­or Of Priv­i­lege And Fragili­ty
Ra!d Nev­er End­ing Labyrinth
TV Cult Video­drome
Dusters Last Ones Stand­ing
María en Dro­gas La Es­ce­na Es­tá Muer­ta

Night Babes Antler in Antler
Off Peak Ar­son Vivid
Babe Re­port Mal­ort is My Shep­herd
Mul­ti­c­ult Ex­tra Sper­i­cal View
Lemon­grab Air­borne
MIT Wake in Fright
Emp­tyz Com­mer­cial Mu­sic
Klint De­mil­i­ta­rized Wheat Si­los - De­naz­i­fied Sun­flower Oil
T.L.B.M. Phone Keys Wal­let Weed
Al Pa­ci­nos Sis­ter David
Re­pul­sion Switch Fla­vors

¡MIAU! (Tan fe­liz) Hablan­do con­mi­go mis­mo
Gee Tee Stuck Down
Oog Bo­go Cuck­oo
TJ Cabot Away
Podi­um Una Coraza
Corpse­paint Bloat­ed
Doms Im­pulse Re­ac­tion
Tuff Bluff Pop­pies
Out­ta­con­troller Lim­it And A Sit­u­a­tion
Split Sys­tem De­mo­li­tion