Power Flower - Anarchy Now or Fuck Off

This weeks prime ex­hib­it un­earthed from the bermu­da tri­an­gle of Garage-, Synth- and Egg­punk-re­lat­ed de­men­tia comes from a bunch of hun­gar­i­an folks let­ting loose a rack­et that leaves noth­ing be de­sired for con­noiseurs of the genre, scratch­ing an itch sim­i­lar to well known genre en­ti­ties á la Ghoulies, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Slimex, Gee Tee or Set-Top Box.

Al­bum-Stream →

Sid Eargle - Cheap Thrills

I over­looked this this gem by South Car­oli­na dude or band Sid Ear­gle the first time around so i'm glad the greek la­bel Body Blows shoved this in my face a sec­ond time. Hid­den in­be­tween a mess of in­stru­men­tals and in­ter­ludes there's al­so an ex­cel­lent al­bum to be found plun­der­ing away at old­school garage and punk his­to­ry with an un­de­ni­able Dead Boys vibe, among oth­er things.

Al­bum-Stream →

Memory Ward - Memory Ward

This neat lit­tle tape on Phoenix, Ari­zona la­bel To­tal Peace de­liv­ers yet an­oth­er burst of rough-as-fuck noise-in­fest­ed hard­core punk with a weird­ly melod­ic un­der­cur­rent to bash your head against.

Al­bum-Stream →

Trigger Cut - Soot

Back from the lit­er­al ash­es of a cer­tain prac­tice space apoc­a­lypse, noise rock­ers Trig­ger Cut re­turn as strong and vi­tal as ever with their newest LP which sees the group in­creas­ing­ly carv­ing out their own lit­tle place in­side their genre while skill­ful­ly pay­ing hom­mage to nu­mer­ous clas­sics all the while - think of shit like Bas­tro, Dis­tort­ed Pony, any­thing Al­bi­ni-re­lat­ed… al­so some re­al sur­pris­es here, like the open­er Wa­ter Fukkery, hav­ing a melod­ic old­school emo-/post­core vibe to it rem­i­nis­cent of clas­sic acts in the vicin­i­ty of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, Au­to­clave, Quick­sand or Jaw­box. With­out ques­tion this is their most di­verse, in­ven­tive and play­ful record to date.

Al­bum-Stream →

Gaffer - Dead End Beat

A su­per ef­fec­tive bunch of straight­for­ward punk smash­ers by a Perth grounp - sim­ple at first glance yet al­ways care­ful­ly con­struct­ed for max­i­mum im­pact. Plau­si­ble com­par­isons from re­cent years would in­clude bands such as Xe­tas, Cool Jerks, Flow­ers of Evil or Dead Years while from long be­fore that, you might see flash­es of Naked Ray­gun, Laugh­ing Hye­nas, Hot Snakes, Man Sized Ac­tion and the like…

Al­bum-Stream →

11 PM Records' latest Batch (Rolex /​ Phantom /​ Z-Pak)

Just a quck hint here about three ex­cel­lent new tapes cour­te­sey of the ever-re­li­able 11 PM Records. The post-/math-/weird­core pow­er­house Rolex doesn't need any in­tro­duc­tion, i think, de­liv­er­ing a snap­py three-and-a-half min­utes long fire­works of eleb­o­rate, hy­per­ac­tice and chaot­ic post­core. Phan­tom then rep­re­sent some­thing of an op­po­site to that with old­school hard­core punk of the most pri­mal and un­ruly kind. Z-Pak, last but not least, ap­pear to to com­bine the qual­i­ties of both afore­men­tioned acts. What's not to love about that?

Al­bum-Stream →

Brain Cave - Slip Off The Roof

Brain Cave /​ Knub Split 12" re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 20th via Hex Records.

Lousy Sue - Rats

Art­less Ar­ti­facts re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 28th via Sweet Time.

Bad Shout - Anecdote

Bad Shout re­leas­es De­cem­ber 17th via R*E*P*E*A*T Records.

Throw Down Bones - Loma

Three re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 24th via Fuzz Club Records.