Back from the lit­er­al ash­es of a cer­tain prac­tice space apoc­a­lypse, noise rock­ers Trig­ger Cut re­turn as strong and vi­tal as ever with their newest LP which sees the group in­creas­ing­ly carv­ing out their own lit­tle place in­side their genre while skill­ful­ly pay­ing hom­mage to nu­mer­ous clas­sics all the while - think of shit like Bas­tro, Dis­tort­ed Pony, any­thing Al­bi­ni-re­lat­ed… al­so some re­al sur­pris­es here, like the open­er Wa­ter Fukkery, hav­ing a melod­ic old­school emo-/post­core vibe to it rem­i­nis­cent of clas­sic acts in the vicin­i­ty of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, Au­to­clave, Quick­sand or Jaw­box. With­out ques­tion this is their most di­verse, in­ven­tive and play­ful record to date.