Just a quck hint here about three ex­cel­lent new tapes cour­te­sey of the ever-re­li­able 11 PM Records. The post-/math-/weird­core pow­er­house Rolex doesn't need any in­tro­duc­tion, i think, de­liv­er­ing a snap­py three-and-a-half min­utes long fire­works of eleb­o­rate, hy­per­ac­tice and chaot­ic post­core. Phan­tom then rep­re­sent some­thing of an op­po­site to that with old­school hard­core punk of the most pri­mal and un­ruly kind. Z-Pak, last but not least, ap­pear to to com­bine the qual­i­ties of both afore­men­tioned acts. What's not to love about that?