Body House - Hose Man

When it comes to con­tem­po­rary noise rock, i'm no­to­ri­ous­ly hard to please but this L.A. group eas­i­ly does the trick for me, play­ing a vari­ant of the genre ap­proach­ing Big Black lev­els of dis­so­nant shred­ding while al­so re­mind­ing me a bit of old­school acts like Dis­tort­ed Pony, Bas­tro, Drunks With Guns as well as more re­cent stuff á la Spray Paint… or, maybe, an ul­tra-straight­for­ward ver­sion of Mul­ti­c­ult, dri­ven along by vi­cious, at times al­most Gang of Four-es­que grooves.

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Witch Piss - Tape 1

A quick and pain­less at­tack of garage- and synth punk equal­ly catchy and noisy by some group or per­son from Si­mi Val­ley, Cal­i­for­nia. This is more than a lit­tle rem­i­nis­cent to con­tem­po­rary genre pow­er­hous­es such as S.B.F., The Gobs, Slimex, Ghoulies, Quit­ter or C.H.I.M.P., among many oth­ers and every bit as good.

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Itches - Kingdom Upstairs

The newest EP by this group from Antwerp, Bel­gium is a flaw­less butt-kick­er made up of fair­ly tra­di­tion­al yet, thank­ful­ly, al­ways sound­ly con­struct­ed garage punk stylings, thor­oug­ly based on an ex­cel­lent un­der­ly­ing song sub­stance with some added british in­va­sion touch­es á la Res­onars, oth­er­wise to be lo­cat­ed in a sim­i­lar or­bit as Dadar, Shit­ty Life, Mi­traille, Big Ba­by or Sauna Youth.

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Cheap Heat - Demo 2022

This Sch­enec­tady, New York group kicks up a per­fect storm of some­what motörized noise some­where be­tween the cor­ner points of garage punk, hard­core and sleaze rock on their de­mo tape. A high­ly com­bustible recipe that should mix well with oth­er acts á la Ce­ment Shoes, Po­lute, Hip­py­fuck­ers, Flea Col­lar, Doll­house, Cü­lo… and maybe just a smidge of hard­core-era Hüsker Dü on top.

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Die TV - Side D

Side num­ber four by Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey garage trou­ba­dor Die TV is yet an­oth­er su­per-sol­id batch of garage-/synth-/elec­tro punk minia­ture good­ness. Not much more to add to that oth­er than what i al­ready said about his pre­vi­ous re­leas­es: Friends of weird­ness in the same or­bit as, say, Pow­er­plant, Stal­ins of Sound, Erik Ner­vous, The Spits, Set-Top Box, Dig­i­tal Leather… re­joice!

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Italia 90 - Tales From Beyond

Liv­ing Hu­man Trea­sure re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 20th.

Regal Cheer - Ante

Cans re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 3rd via Beth Shalom Records.

Kalle Hygien - The Raft

The Raft re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 25th via Push My But­tons.

Kalle Hygien & The Dog Pound - The Detester

The De­tester 7" re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 25th via Push My But­tons.

Cool Sorcery - The Definitive Step​-​by​-​Step Dance Guide for Warlord Necromancers and Enthusiasts

A new EP by brazil­ian eggpunk's prime mover Cool Sor­cery aka Mar­cos As­sis. His sound is be­com­ing more am­bi­tious with each new re­lease and ac­cord­ing­ly, the newest one is an­oth­er de­light­ful struc­tured mess, seem­ing­ly draw­ing just as much un­like­ly in­spi­ra­tion from 70's hard- and pro­gres­sive rock as it does from the cur­rent garage- and syn­th­punk scene.

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