Black Button - Rejoice

Hav­ing made some­what of a splash with their un­pre­dictable 2019 de­mo and a more con­venti­nal­ly hard­core-lean­ing EP in 2021, the Rich­mond, Vir­ginia group is shak­ing things up once again with their first full-length ef­fort, sig­nif­i­cant­ly slow­ing things down and seem­ing­ly tak­ing plen­ty of cues from left-field 80s acts on the ex­per­i­men­tal in­ter­sec­tion of hard­core punk and (proto-)noise rock in the vein of, among oth­ers, Flip­per, No Trend, Spike in Vain or Bro­ken Tal­ent, while al­so not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to more re­cent groups like Soup­cans, Vul­ture Shit, C-Krit or Stink­hole.

Al­bum-Stream →

Silicone Values - Bystander Apathy /​ When The Future Seems Futile

It took the Bris­tol group just shy of a year to come up with the newest in­stall­ment in their, so far, ab­solute­ly spec­tac­u­lar and flaw­less run of (dig­i­tal) sin­gles. I'm glad to an­nounce that i've got noth­ing new to say about this one - these two tunes are yet an­oth­er mas­ter­class of melod­ic post punk and pow­er pop songcraft with clear echoes of Buz­zcocks, Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties, Mekons and many more arte­facts of pre­dom­i­nant­ly british DIY punk his­to­ry.

Nick G - Broken

This neat lit­tle EP by St. Louis, Mis­souri dude Nick G and friends de­liv­ers sev­en blasts of dark yet melod­ic, heav­i­ly song-based post punk - ad­mit­ted­ly not a ter­ri­bly orig­i­nal thing at this point but not too pre­dictable ei­ther, solid­ly con­struct­ed through­out. A de­fin­i­tive treat for fans of stuff á la Crim­i­nal Code, Pub­lic Eye, VHS, Sieve­head or Bruised… with oc­ca­sion­al flash­es of Trau­ma Har­ness or The Es­tranged to boot.

Al­bum-Stream →

Another round of boozy…

A thor­ough­ly high qual­i­ty new batch of 7"s and even a CD from the ever re­li­able ital­ian garage punk in­sti­tu­tion Good­bye Boozy Records.
Tee Vee Re­pair­man is yet an­oth­er project of Ish­ka Ed­meades who you might al­so know from acts such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Set-Top Box, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Gee Tee, Re­mote Con­trol, Main­frame… this dude seems to be in pret­ty much any­thing out of the Warttman or­bit and be­yond that. Let's just say dude's been's a con­stant fix­ture on this blog in re­cent years and will sure crop up many more times be­cause every­thing he touch­es tends to be­come in­stant garage punk and pow­er pop gold.
A dif­fer­ent beast al­to­geth­er is the 7" by Wayne Pain & The Shit Stains, a sim­ple & stu­pid at­tack of de­cid­ed­ly old­school fuzzed-out garage punk with that clas­sic rock­a­bil­ly edge to it.
Speak­ing of rock­a­bil­ly… Qin­qs have a touch of that go­ing on too, al­though in their case it reeks less of The Cramps and more of The Fall - The Great White Won­der might as well be called How i re-wrote Elas­tic Man - as well as more re­cent oc­cur­rences á la Shark Toys, Ex Cult, Par­quet Courts or The UV Race.
The newest tape by the mys­te­ri­ous Zoids then is an­oth­er en­dear­ing­ly ec­cen­tric treat of min­i­mal­ist elec­tro-/space-/garage punk trans­port­ing more than just a lit­tle bit of a Sui­cide-meets-Met­al Ur­bain /​ Dr. Mix and the Remix vibe. Al­so: Yeah, fuck vinyl 'cos the fu­ture be­longs to the com­pact disc bro.
Dadgad's tracks then serve as the per­fect tran­si­tion be­tween the afore­men­tioned elec­tric space punk stylings and the op­po­site half of a 7" fea­tur­ing - yet again - that dude known as Zhoop… or was it Feed? Djinn? Brun­dle maybe? I don't care re­al­ly it's all good shit!

Al­bum-Streams →

Factory City Children - F.U.M.E.S.

Fac­to­ry City Chil­dren re­leas­es Jan­u­ary 19th via Tox­ic State Records.

Greg Wheeler and the Poly Mall Cops - Nothing

Man­ic Fever re­leas­es March 24th via High Dive Records.

Purling Hiss - Yer All In My Dreams

Drag On Gi­rard re­leas­es March 24th via Drag City.

Spirit of Hamlet - Sardine $

North­west of Hamuret­to re­leas­es March 17th.

Rough Kids - Big Fan

The Black and White and Grey re­leas­es March 3rd via Dirt Cult Records.

Verspannungskassette #48 (C-90)

Smacko Mem­o­ry Man
Die TV Son­ny
Mon­ey Splits I gots a Headache
Cool Sor­cery Det­o­na­tion
Le Pil­grim Huit Dol­lars
Chi­nese Junk You Rat­tle My Cage
Black Boys On Moped Do I Love You (More Than A Piz­za)?
Sex Hater $1400 Throw
Badge Grab­ber Wet Night­mare
Go­ril­la Knife­fight Burn The In­ter­net
Djinn Dark­ness
Mind­less! Fight!
The Aches Tak­ing Over
Prim­i­tive Fuck­ing Ballers Drown Me
Bar­ri­cade Speed Lust

Safe­ty Zone Who else is there to help?
S.H.I.T. Haunt­ed
Fer­al Recluse
Toi­let Bug You Call That 'Liv­ing'?
Anteater Anteater Theme
Cheap Heat Sta­sis
Shaved Ape Lord
Clin­ic Again
pH Peo­ple I Rolled Wrong
ICD10 Taste the Void
Alien Birth Sounds of Work
Fu­ture Ul­ti­mate Suf­fer­ing
Witch Piss Hand of Glo­ry
Scab Breath Take It
Itch­es Strat­ego

Feed­ing Tube Any­where But Here
Beef D.N.A.
Seg­gs Tape Piti
Da­ta Un­known Cause 2 Prey
Jeffy & The Sunken Heads You Have A Big Dumb Stu­pid Dumb Face
Brody And The Grodies A Pe­nis Is The Lo­go (The Jun­gle Com­pa­ny)
Klint Guilty
Izm J'accuse
Ÿdeg …And Then They Said:
Nag Cri­sis Of Faith
Träume Ma­jak
MESH Pota­to Head

Co-op Life Ex­ten­sion
Bobo Feed­back
Lithics Course Of Time
Body House Mag­ic Bul­let
Gloop I Nev­er Re­al­ly Knew
Sad Roach $cam or Die
Chum Lord Phat
Elec­tric Prawns 2 Boys In A Band
Sex Mex Pills
Légumes Sex Lo­go
Di­a­b­los Inc. I Know Love One Day Comes
Equal Parts A Cri­sis