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Sex Drive - Shopping Blitz

Oh look, one of my fa­vorite pieces of punk rock va­por­ware fi­nal­ly got re­leased! How long has it been… two years at the very least since this thing has first been teased in form of the (dig­i­tal) Un­con­trol sin­gle. Ul­ti­mate­ly it was worth the wait though as the aus­tralian group's first LP packs the same kind of sav­age garage punk as­sault we've wit­nessed on their pre­vi­ous EPs while ex­pand­ing on it fur­ther, car­ry­ing an un­ex­pect­ed­ly melan­cholic vibe through­out, best ex­em­pli­fied by the melod­ic pop smash­er Strange Mo­tel while Work and Mil­i­tary Boy re­mind me of Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters both in terms of vibe and en­er­gy lev­els. This is al­so re­quired lis­ten­ing for fans of shit like Civic, S.U.G.A.R., Lysol, Split Sys­tem, Mi­ni Skirt, In­sti­tute and Liv­ing Eyes.

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Verspannungskassette #49 (C-70)

Italia 90 Com­pe­ti­tion
Larochs Sea Crea­tures
Bzdet Husaria
John (Timest­wo) Theme New Bond Ju­nior
Nick G Bells
Sta­t­ic Means Pitch­forks

Pris­on­nier Du Temps Li­on En Cage
Chimers Gen­er­a­tor
Black But­ton Cor­rec­tion
Tet­nis Bal­lis­tics
Kudzu Dang Me
Zoids Ter­ror Vi­sion

Neon Kit­tens Frozen Peas
Prop­er­ty Dance Flaw
Dadgad Fuck You Up
Big Fyg Let­ters From Coop­er
Zhoop RIP
Gor­go­jo nph
Sirk­ka Hyvä Ehdokas
Dead City Grey­hound
Sim­u­la­tion Bod­ies
Straight Ar­rows Fast Prod­uct

Saucer­men Sick
Tricks De­ci­sions
Wayne Pain & The Shit Stains The Zoo
Jeffy & The Sunken Heads Barf Cars From Mars
Strange At­trac­tor Ba­by Je­sus Head
Qin­qs The Great White Won­der
Aminoacid­club Sirens & Horns
Liq­uids Head Hang Low
Tee Vee Re­pair­man Or­gan­ic Mould
Sil­i­cone Val­ues By­stander Ap­a­thy

Italia 90 - Living Human Treasure

A new LP by Italia 90, best kept se­cret of con­tem­po­rary british post punk, who so far have man­aged to com­plete­ly avoid as well as out­live the hype cy­cle some of their peers have been rid­ing hard over the past few years. Hard to be­lieve at this point that this is ac­tu­al­ly their first full length re­lease. Over­all, they're stay­ing true to them­selves here with­out mak­ing things too easy ei­ther for them­selves or the au­di­ence, strik­ing a del­i­cate bal­ance be­tween catchy tunes á la New Fac­to­ry, Tales From Be­yond and more cum­ber­some son­ic as­saults like Mag­da­lene and Gol­gatha. Oth­er­wise, a slight­ly Wire-es­que open­ing track gives way to a more fa­mil­iar sound­scape ow­ing a lot to the clas­sics of, among oth­ers, Swell Maps and Mem­branes, the oc­ca­sion­al hint of Crass. Or al­ter­nate­ly, you might al­so draw some com­par­isons to more re­cent acts like Ex­ek, ear­ly Pro­tomar­tyr.

Al­bum-Stream →

Kudzu - Kudzu

This Greenville, South Car­oli­na group kicks up an ex­cel­lent rack­et lo­cat­ed somwhere in­be­tween the gears of garage punk, post punk and post­core bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­tiy to more re­cent stuff á la Big Bop­per, Mys­tic Inane, Doll­house, Cutie, Wymyns Prysyn, Cri­sis Man… just as much as to clas­sic pieces by the likes of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, Hot Snakes, Na­tion Of Ulysses, Rites of Spring or Gray Mat­ter.

Al­bum-Stream →

Factory City Children - Factory City Children

The noise on this de­but EP by New York (?) group Fac­to­ry City Chil­dren comes ac­cross like a some­what black­ened vari­ant of garage-/elec­tro punk noise­mak­ers á la S.B.F., Stal­ins Of Sounds, Kid Chrome and The Gobs with a smidge of Sick Thoughts thrown in for good mea­sure. Hav­ing been pre­vi­ous­ly re­leased pret­ty much un­der everyone's radar as a tape, Tox­ic State Records now has it ei­ther as a 7" or a way over­priced dig­i­tal down­load, well know­ing we'll pay the ten bucks any­way be­cause we're all ad­dict­ed to the shit. Cap­i­tal­ism fuck yeah!

Al­bum-Stream →

Chimers - Generator /​ Tooth

There's re­al­ly no oth­er way to put it… on their lat­est out­put the group from Wol­lon­gong, Aus­tralia leans in quite heav­i­ly on the an­cient blue­print es­tab­lished pri­mar­i­ly by bands like Mis­sion of Bur­ma, Mov­ing Tar­gets, Vol­cano Suns which, if you ask me, should be more of a thing any­way so yeah, this is good stuff.

Gee Tee - (I Hate) Drivin' In The City

Good­night Ne­an­derthal re­leas­es March 3rd via Urge Records & Goner Records.

Home Front - Faded States

Games of Pow­er re­leas­es March 3rd via La Vi­da Es Un Mus Dis­cos.

Golden Hours - Come And Find Me

Gold­en Hours re­leas­es March 31st via Fuzz Club Records.