Gaffer - Dead End Beat

A su­per ef­fec­tive bunch of straight­for­ward punk smash­ers by a Perth grounp - sim­ple at first glance yet al­ways care­ful­ly con­struct­ed for max­i­mum im­pact. Plau­si­ble com­par­isons from re­cent years would in­clude bands such as Xe­tas, Cool Jerks, Flow­ers of Evil or Dead Years while from long be­fore that, you might see flash­es of Naked Ray­gun, Laugh­ing Hye­nas, Hot Snakes, Man Sized Ac­tion and the like…

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11 PM Records' latest Batch (Rolex /​ Phantom /​ Z-Pak)

Just a quck hint here about three ex­cel­lent new tapes cour­te­sey of the ever-re­li­able 11 PM Records. The post-/math-/weird­core pow­er­house Rolex doesn't need any in­tro­duc­tion, i think, de­liv­er­ing a snap­py three-and-a-half min­utes long fire­works of eleb­o­rate, hy­per­ac­tice and chaot­ic post­core. Phan­tom then rep­re­sent some­thing of an op­po­site to that with old­school hard­core punk of the most pri­mal and un­ruly kind. Z-Pak, last but not least, ap­pear to to com­bine the qual­i­ties of both afore­men­tioned acts. What's not to love about that?

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Flea Collar - Flea Collar

Fun and un­set­tling all the same, the sec­ond re­lease by some Cleve­land, Ohio dudes who have al­ready brought us such won­ders as Wood­stock '99, Spike Pit and Bad Noids. The thing starts off kin­da like Bad Brains or Cir­cle Jerks with a ran­dom dose of Deep Pur­ple mixed in… such un­speak­able things ap­pear to be in fash­ion right now and i'm all for it! At oth­er times you may find bits and pieces of The Men­tal­ly Ill, Flip­per, Nox­ious Fumes and oth­er weird­ness from an era when hard­core punk was still al­lowed to be fun, not yet cod­i­fied to death and most of all not tak­ing it­self so fuck­ing se­ri­ous­ly. A free­wheel­ing spir­it nowa­days kept alive by acts such as Mys­tic Inane, Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets or Ce­ment Shoes, among oth­ers.

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Kitchen's Floor - None Of That

Wow, i didn't re­al­ly ex­pect this to hap­pen. A good sev­en years af­ter the group's sor­ta clas­sic LP The Bat­tle Of Bris­bane we fi­nal­ly get an­oth­er al­bum by what at this point ap­pears to ex­ist as more of a so­lo ven­ture by vo­cal­ist Matt Kennedy. His sin­gu­lar sound and vi­sion in the realm of post punk, noise rock and that un­like­ly folk-y un­der­cur­rent comes ac­cross as sharp and un­com­pro­mis­ing as ever though, ap­pear­ing beau­ti­ful­ly out of step with the zeit­geist.

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Alien Nosejob - Stained Glass

Af­ter years of ven­tur­ing in­to some­times more, some­times less ob­vi­ous (sub-)genres, the lat­est long­play­er of Jake Robertson's Alien Nose­job marks kind of a re­turn to his Aus­muteants roots in some places, while still car­ry­ing plen­ty of echoes of his more ec­clec­tic ven­tures of late. Oh, and most of all, he's div­ing knee-deep in­to clas­sic-/dad rock ter­ri­to­ry this time but thank­ful­ly do­ing so with style, grace and a sense of hu­mor. Smash­ers like Shuf­fling Like Coins and Coastal Liv­ing 2 are prob­a­bly as close to a tonge-in-cheek AC/​DC knock­off as you're ever gonna get.

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Decomisos La Toledana - Quinquidemo

Dan­ger­ous­ly catchy Lo-Fi garage punk and pow­er pop from Madrid, kin­da chan­nel­ing the strengths of oth­er span­ish acts of late, most ob­vi­ous­ly among those would be Prison Af­fair, Be­ta Max­i­mo and Fi­nale while in­ter­na­tion­al acts á la Nuts, R.M.F.C. or or Sa­tan­ic To­gas aren't too far off ei­ther.

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Smirk - Material

New shit from Nick Vic­ario aka Smirk, al­so known as part of such po­tent punk pow­er­hous­es as Pub­lic Eye, Cri­sis Man und Ce­men­to. His sec­ond LP car­ries more of his eclec­tic post- and garage punk ex­trav­a­gan­za sourced out of a gen­er­ous grab bag of punk sam­ples, bear­ing fleet­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties to such di­verse acts as ISS, In­sti­tute, Alien Nose­job, Cher­ry Cheeks, Ura­ni­um Club, Re­al­i­ty Group or Mar­bled Eye.

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Crime Waves - Crime Waves

Dumb and sim­plis­tic garage-/synth punk shit from Swe­den that won't fail to en­er­gize fans of the likes of Liq­uid Face, The Spits, Aus­muteants, Sex Mex, Ma­teo Man­ic, Slimex, Pow­er­plant, Buck Biloxi and the Fucks… pick your poi­son!

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Spiral Rash - Demo

Damn, un­for­giv­able how i could over­look this kick­ass tape al­ready re­leased this sum­mer, con­tain­ing deli­cilous­ly ex­cen­tric Lo-Fi post punk shit giv­ing off a heavy smell of Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles, Swell Maps, ear­ly Mekons plus any ran­dom ar­ti­fact of 80s cas­sette cul­ture as well as some New Or­der-ish vibes in the clos­ing track Dog Hav­ing Its Day.

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Drýsildjöfull - Dýflissupaunk

You know what's re­al­ly been miss­ing re­cent­ly? A new dun­geon punk scorcher! This ar­ti­fact of un­clear ori­gin goes the buz­z­saw syn­th­punk-meets-black-met­al route and does a for­mi­da­ble job at get­ting you in­to the mood for some skull-split­ting ac­tion in the musty cat­a­combs.

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