Yet another channel…

The old 12XU spo­ti­fy playlist is long dead, so now i'm un­der­tak­ing a sec­ond, more se­ri­ous at­tempt with songs rough­ly di­vid­ed in­to three playlists of new shit, old­er crap and clas­sic di­ar­rhea. Since the spo­ti­fy cat­a­logue ap­pears to im­prove over time - more than half the songs i im­port­ed were avail­able this time, hur­rah! - this might even start to make a bit of sense.

To start with, this is based on an au­to­mat­ic im­port of 12XU Radio's playlists, which i then tried to purge of false match­es. So please be pre­pared for a few du­pli­cates, re­dun­dan­cies and oth­er scary stuff i might have missed.

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Basement Boys - Basement Boys

A some­what quirky an­i­mal, this de­but al­bum by Min­neapo­lis' Base­ment Boys. Starts out by ra­di­at­ing a kind of post punk vibe sim­i­lar to Plax or The Cow­boy, then in­creas­ing­ly skews to­ward garage punk, au­gu­ment­ed by a small dose of noise and some beach goth melan­choly, at times re­mind­ing me of stuff like Co Sonn, Ex-Cult, Shark Toys or ear­ly Wavves.

Al­bum-Stream →

Sandré - Ave Muñón

On their de­but LP, Barcelona's San­dré de­liv­er a round­house kick of un­err­ing pre­ci­sion, a sound lo­cat­ed some­where on the fringes of post punk, post- and noisec­ore; al­ways keep­ing the del­i­cate bal­ance be­tween a raw, im­me­di­ate im­pact and self-con­fi­dent am­bi­tion. Spec­u­lat­ing about pos­si­ble in­flu­ences, i'm think­ing of a wide ar­ray of bands like Down­town Boys, ear­ly Die! Die! Die!, Les Savy Fav - but i'm al­so feel­ing a very dis­tinct vibe akin to oth­er span­ish acts of re­cent years, es­pe­cial­ly the likes of Ju­ven­tud Juché, Be­tu­niz­er and Cubano Vale.

Al­bum-Stream →

Rank/​Xerox - Servants In Heaven

Ser­vants In Heav­en, out No­vem­ber 22nd via Iron Lung Records.

Acrylics - Stagnant

Sink­ing In out No­vem­ber 22nd via Iron Lung Records.

Woolen Men - Mexico City Blues

Hu­man To Hu­man, out No­vem­ber 22nd via Dog's Ta­ble.

Gino And The Goons - Hard Way

Do The Get Around, out No­vem­ber 15th via Drunk­en Sailor Records.