The old 12XU spo­ti­fy playlist is long dead, so now i'm un­der­tak­ing a sec­ond, more se­ri­ous at­tempt with songs rough­ly di­vid­ed in­to three playlists of new shit, old­er crap and clas­sic di­ar­rhea. Since the spo­ti­fy cat­a­logue ap­pears to im­prove over time - more than half the songs i im­port­ed were avail­able this time, hur­rah! - this might even start to make a bit of sense.

To start with, this is based on an au­to­mat­ic im­port of 12XU Radio's playlists, which i then tried to purge of false match­es. So please be pre­pared for a few du­pli­cates, re­dun­dan­cies and oth­er scary stuff i might have missed.

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