Hyperdog - House On The Hill

Frog Moun­tain re­leas­es April 25th.

Goblin Daycare - Boss Man

Ag­it­prop Hot­line is gonna re­lease when­ev­er via Ded­strange.

Facs - North America Endless

North Amer­i­ca End­less 7" re­leas­es April 12th via Sub Pop Records.

Shrudd - Skin

Verspannungskassette #71 (C-90)

Die TV Blow
Phil & The Tiles Not To­day
No Heal­er New York
Ura­ni­um Club 2-600-LULLABY
Con­spire The Spar­row
Gob Psy­chic Con­tent Mod­er­a­tor
Jack­et Burn­er Last Nite
Bart And The Brats Can't Think Straight
Elvis 2 On The Mo­tor­way
Jean Mignon Un­send­ing An Apol­o­gy
To­tal Sham The Night
In­nu­en­do Nev­er Go­ing Back
Que Lin­do Mynt I Lom­ma

Leak­ing Head Leak­ing Head
The Goofies Dis­or­der
In­dus­try Lessons In Im­per­ma­nence
Spewed Brain Ba­by is a Hater
Act Step On A Crack
The Gobs The Gobs Com­mit An Armed Rob­bery
Gob­lin Day­care Busi­ness Is Busi­ness
Glu­ta­mate Dance
Pow­er Pants I'm Crav­ing You
Slags We're All Dogs
iPad Ba­by Girl Din­ner
Fac­toids No Time

Dar­ius De­nom­i­na­tor Psy­cho­log­i­cal 1975
Chalk Claw
Cuir Gast
Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips Ready For Hell
Nor­mans Dead Snakes
Car­toon Steam Room
Ar­se Shame Bomb
Pork Bel­ly Lucky Start
Snoop­er On Line
Jug When

Sex Mex Nerds Who Play Gui­tar
Shop Talk The Will
Doll­house I Hate You Dont Leave Me
Sweet Teeth Move On
Stat­ues Mer­cury
An­ten­na Don't Cry
Dauber No Use For a Pig
María En Dro­gas Cereza
Canal Ir­re­al Whis­pers
Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! In Be­tween

Antenna - Antenna

Awe­some to hear this dude's an­gel voice again! Just a cou­ple weeks ago, Shogun, best known as the pow­er­house front man of Roy­al Headache, made his tri­umphant re­turn (let's not for­get the neat 2018 Shogun and the Sheets 7" though) with the de­but EP of Finno­guns Wake, the duo com­pris­ing of him and Finn Berzin and now, pret­ty much out of nowhere, there's al­so the de­but EP by an­oth­er band of his, An­ten­na, pop­ping up which, of his projects so far, aligns clos­est to the old­school Roy­al Headache vibe in terms of its song ma­te­r­i­al while mov­ing on from the rough garage sound to­wards a some­what slick­er aes­thet­ic in­be­tween the pa­ra­me­ters of straight-up melod­ic punk rock, noise- and pow­er pop with a kin­da un­ex­pect­ed Leather­face edge to it. Sweet!

Al­bum-Stream →

Cartoon - Nyuck Nyuck Boing!

Now here's some bril­liant shit i've been to­tal­ly un­pre­pared for, cer­tain­ly hav­ing a mind of its own and be­ing de­light­ful­ly out of touch with the zeit­geist! Sure, the whole thing feels kin­da old. I'm kin­da old too, so i like that. Imag­ine the likes of Sac­cha­rine Trust, Min­ute­men, Swell Maps and The Pop Group par­tak­ing in an oc­cult rit­u­al to con­jure up an an­cient '60s acid rock de­mon, an un­holy cross­breed of psych- and math rock. This is quite ter­ri­bly self-in­dul­gent of course, but that as­pect kin­da comes with both of those gen­res, i guess. At this point i'm pret­ty sure you've al­ready made up your mind about it and know if you're gonna love or hate it. In my hum­ble opin­ion, what the Philadel­phia group hal­lu­ci­nates up here is pret­ty fuck­ing swell and to­tal­ly should be le­gal­ized!

Al­bum-Stream →

Jug - Or Not /​ Innuendo - Peace & Love

Ex­cel­lent shit strad­dling the fine line be­tween hard- and post­core with a smidge of garage thrown in is what we get on the de­but EP of Win­nipeg group Jug, reach­ing our shores cour­tesy of the al­ways re­li­able Van­cou­ver noise forge Neon Taste Records. Their sound en­cap­su­lates ex­act­ly the rough and un­ruly qual­i­ties i seek out most from these gen­res, at the same time sound­ing rea­son­ably elab­o­rate and well-con­struct­ed. At points, you might draw com­par­isons to stuff like Acrylics, Mys­tic Inane, Ar­se, Day­dream, Video, Cri­sis Man, ear­ly Bad Breed­ing… plus a sur­prise hint of '77 New York in My Body's Doomed!

Sim­i­lar things, al­beit in a somwhat dumb­er, equal­ly fun and de­light­ful­ly prim­i­tive fash­ion, are then brought forth on the de­but LP of Milwaukee's In­nu­en­do which has just dropped via Un­law­ful As­sam­bly and Roach Leg Records and on which they hit a sweet spot be­tween sim­ple and stu­pid old­school hard­core en­er­gy and KBD-drenched garage in­san­i­ty, in­gre­di­ents that have stood the test of time be­ing pre­sent­ed in a way here that still feels fresh and alive.

Al­bum-Stream →

Nervous Tick and the Zipper Lips - The Monochromatic Mind Of… /​ More Monochromatic

Af­ter a some­what mixed bag of a cas­sette four years ago and a string of col­lab­o­ra­tion EPs with the likes of Eyes And Flies, Sci­ence Man and Ricky Hell, the newest al­bum and ac­com­pa­ny­ing ex­tend­ed play cas­sette of Buf­fa­lo, NY group Ner­vous Tick and the Zip­per Lips sees them re­turn­ing at their most fo­cused to date, their mix of post-, garage- and synth punk with just a slight hint of in­dus­tri­al com­ing across like a de­cent mid­dle ground be­tween, say, Droids Blood, Beef and The Spits - far from rein­vent­ing the wheel here but al­ways en­er­getic, catchy and ef­fec­tive.

Al­bum-Stream →

iPad Baby - TradCath Terrorists

iPad Ba­by of Glass­boro, New Jer­sey first came to my at­ten­tion with a fun lit­tle de­but EP last fall but their newest EP/mi­ni-LP thingy is just a so much stronger, more con­sis­tent ef­fort in which they di­al the weird en­er­gy and cre­ativ­i­ty up to eleven, co­a­lesc­ing in­to a new lump of com­plete­ly off-the-rails in­san­i­ty sure to please dis­cern­ing fans of all kinds of oth­er un­med­icat­ed, beau­ti­ful train­wrecks in the realm of Egg-, Synth- and Garage Punk as done by the likes of Zoids, The Gobs, Ma­teo Man­ic, Prison Af­fair, Met­dog, Nuts or Nubot555, to name a few.

Al­bum-Stream →