Corker - Falser Truths

Feel It Records (along with Ur­ticaria Records and Fu­ture Shock Record­ings who are re­leas­ing this thing on cas­sette) brings us yet an­oth­er strong post punk record with this Cincin­nati group's de­but LP which, while most­ly tread­ing on fair­ly fa­mil­iar ground for long­time ob­servers of this space, has al­so plen­ty of va­ri­ety and the well-craft­ed songs to make it stick. An ab­solute no-brain­er for fans of VHS, Crim­i­nal Code, Pyrex, Rank/​Xerox, Sched­ule 1, Sieve­head or Mar­bled Eye.

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Gym Tonic - Sanitary Situations

A good four years af­ter an in­sane­ly en­joy­able de­but LP of this Berlin group, we fi­nal­ly get an­oth­er taste of the same, fair­ly quirky yet ex­pert­ly pro­pelled synth-, garage- and post punk good­ness sure to de­light ad­mir­ers of stuff in the vein of, say, Bel­ly Jel­ly, Puff, Dum­my, Aus­muteants, Quit­ter, Liq­uid Lunch, Ghoulies, Diode or Spot­ting.

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Mother's Milk - Render Void At Gate

Stun­ning shit as is usu­al­ly the case with any­thing fea­tur­ing Josh Feigert of At­lanta groups such as Uni­form, Wymyns Prysyn and, most re­cent­ly, Glit­ter­ing In­sects. Once again, this record is drenched in that same un­mis­tak­able trade­mark melan­cho­lia spread out on­to an epic widescreen can­vas, which is al­so at the core of the afore­men­tioned groups. A fa­mil­iar vibe for sure but there's plen­ty of room for sur­pris­es and un­ex­pect­ed flour­ish­es here as well, like some un­char­ac­ter­is­tic flash­es of melod­i­cism in songs such as Sky­less Bells and Earth­tone.

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Hevrat Ha'Hashmal - 2+1

Five min­utes of de­light­ful nois­es and struc­tured chaos crammed in­to dense lit­tle tunes by an is­raeli group. Equal­ly pun­ish­ing, quirky and eclec­tic shit right in the sweet spot over­lap­ping post punk, noise rock and garage punk - a free­wheel­ing any­thing-goes spir­it re­mind­ing me of a bunch of groups such as Big Bop­per, Brandy, Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group or Cutie.

Piss Shivers - Piss Shivers

A bril­liant new re­lease brought to us by Gim­mie Records, the record la­bel ex­ten­sion of the fab­u­lous Gimme Gim­mie Gim­mie blog-/zine em­pire. Piss Shiv­ers are a Bris­bane duo whose de­but LP kicks up a high­ly flam­ma­ble fuss lo­cat­ed vague­ly in­side the Garage-, Post Punk and Post­core co­or­di­nates, some­times re­mind­ing me of a Cri­sis Man-meet-Hot Snakes hy­brid while at oth­er points you might be re­mind­ed of ear­ly Teenanger, the pitch-black post­core dystopias of Video, VHS or the fu­ri­ous anger of Wymyns Prysyn. Fur­ther i'm re­call­ing the likes of Xe­tas, Gaffer, As­cot Stab­ber and Bat­piss… maybe a bit of Zhoop/​Djinn/​Feed en­er­gy aswell in the more prim­i­tive, straight­for­ward mo­ments.

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Beef - Beef

This Cincin­nati group's sec­ond EP sets off a strong new set of high­ly flam­ma­ble charges made up of in­gre­di­ents found some­where in the grey ar­eas of Noise Rock, Post-, Garage- and Synth Punk… a bit like an un­sta­ble mix­ture of Bust­ed Head Rack­et, Brandy, R.Clown, ISS, Spy­roids and Know­so boiled down to an al­most '70s/'80s The Fall-es­qe sim­plic­i­ty and rep­e­ti­tion.

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Tricks - Body, Doctrine, Enjoyment

Garage punk meets math rock meets psy­che­delia meets post­core on this breath­less new tape by Min­neapo­lis group Tricks, at dif­fer­ent times bear­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties to re­cent groups as di­verse as Re­al­i­ty Group, Ura­ni­um Club, Yam­mer­er, Big Bop­per, Pat­ti, Ex-Cult, Rolex, Shark Toys, Sauna Youth… at times you might even per­cieve a slight 90s Dischord vibe á la Jaw­box, Fara­quet and Med­ica­tions.

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Famous Mammals - Instant Pop Expressionism Now!

I got­ta say, fol­low­ing up on a promis­ing but still some­what un­der­cooked and in­con­sis­tent de­but tape from two years ago, i'm kin­da blown away by the hyp­not­ic pull of this sec­ond al­bum by an Oak­land (?) group hav­ing among their ranks mem­bers of a whole bunch of house­hold num­bers - The World, Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Rays and Vi­o­lent Change might just be the most fa­mil­iar names among those for long­time watch­ers of this space, but these are just the tip of the ice­berg re­al­ly. While you can plau­si­bly pick out some sim­i­lar­i­ties to all these groups, i'm way more re­mind­ed of the re­laxed post- and garage punk of aus­tralian groups UV Race and Wire­heads, en­hanced with some fla­vor of british psy­che­delia (Vi­tal Idles come to mind as a con­tem­po­rary ref­er­ence), even a smidge of Wire and ear­ly Bar­rett-era Pink Floyd in Let The Light In. Just as well though, they might have drawn plen­ty of in­spi­ra­tion from '70s-'80s british DIY cul­ture with groups á la Mem­branes, Swell Maps, Mekons and Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles be­ing the clos­est com­par­isons i can pull out of my ass right now.

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Texture Freq - Masochistic Episode

A beau­ti­ful­ly over­whelm­ing mud show­er of noise-in­fest­ed Post­core, the de­but EP of this Min­neapo­lis group clear­ly in­her­it­ing some of the DNA of the city's own Noise Rock-re­lat­ed his­to­ry while feel­ing per­fect­ly con­tem­po­rary all the same, main­ly re­mind­ing me of re­cent bands á la Doll­house, Launch­er, Mys­tic Inane, Wymyns Prysyn and Op­tic Nerve… with a touch of Hot Snakes thrown in for good mea­sure.

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Snooper - Super Snõõper

At first glance i couldn't help but feel a bit dis­ap­point­ed by the lack of new ma­te­r­i­al on the Nashville group's de­but LP but then again, i can't say these new record­ings of songs most­ly known from pre­vi­ous EPs don't slap - they kick some se­ri­ous ass, trad­ing in some of the pre­vi­ous re­leas­es' sham­bol­ic quirk­i­ness for a bit more of a hard­core edge and while i've re­al­ly grown fond of the EPs' Lo-Fi aes­thet­ics, there have al­so been some ex­am­ples on these that nev­er quite clicked with me in their ear­li­er ver­sions and its those songs that gain the most on this LP which is like­ly al­so a clos­er rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the group's cur­rent live sound, their shows hav­ing gained kind of a leg­endary rep­u­ta­tion at this point. Can't wait to see these folks tour Eu­rope.

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