People's Temple - Demo

This De­mo of by a NYC group is an ex­plo­sive rip­per that doesn't even try to squeeze any new nu­ances out of a style of ul­tra-old­school hard­core punk that could plau­si­bly have orig­i­nat­ed from any point in time for the last 4+ decades, in­stead shred­ding through that very old for­mu­la as force­ful as it's ever gonna get with con­vic­tion, per­sis­tence, un­err­ing aim and pre­ci­sion.

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Liquid Lunch - Come Again

This Min­neapo­lis group's de­but EP de­liv­ers four first-rate bangers made up of medi­um-fi­deli­ty DIY garage punk con­sis­tent­ly wan­der­ing on the genre's weird­er side and thus in the good com­pa­ny of groups like Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Alien Nose­job, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., R.M.F.C. or Erik Ner­vous.

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Ztuped - Are You Stupid?

The 2019 de­mo by this Wash­ing­ton, D.C. group had its very own thrills al­ready, but their de­but 7" on 11 PM Records is a dif­fer­ent kind of beast al­to­geth­er, way more fo­cused in its vi­sion and ben­e­fit­ing from in­creased pro­duc­tion val­ues. The open­ing track Blood Runs Through is the prime ex­am­ple here for what makes them spe­cial - a gen­er­al catchy­ness and sense of melody rarely heard in con­tem­po­rary hard­core punk col­lides with straight­for­ward riffs that of­ten seem to orig­i­nate from the old­school "heavy" met­al play­book rather than clas­sic hard­core, wo­ven in­to slight­ly ec­cen­tric song struc­tures that al­ways have a sur­prise or two up their sleeves. At their best, they kin­da come across like an un­like­ly fu­sion of Cü­lo and Naked Ray­gun.

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Hungry Man - Permanent Crisis

Damn, that's some top-notch qual­i­ty old­school post­core shit here, the kind ca­pa­ble of trans­port­ing mid­dle-aged fucks like me in­to high­er spheres, elab­o­rate yet un­pre­ten­tious and with a melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty that evokes the glo­ry days of Vol­cano Suns, Mov­ing Tar­gets and Mis­sion of Bur­ma. The mon­u­men­tal open­ing suite, on the oth­er hand, kin­da re­minds me of Dra­goon, the open­ing be­he­moth of Bitch Magnet's fi­nal al­bum Ben Hur. Oth­er­wise, 90s Dischord in­flu­ences rule supreme here with ubiq­ui­tous echoes of the likes of Au­to­clave, Bluetip, Hoover, Crown­hate Ru­in, Kerosene 454, ear­ly Jaw­box… you name it! And yeah, of course there's al­so a bit of Fugazi go­ing on but i'd say they're far from a pri­ma­ry in­flu­ence here. Hun­gry Man are able to pull off all that with­out com­ing across like a dull ripoff and rather like a band who val­ues its in­flu­ences, yet per­fect­ly stands on its own two feet, speak­ing in­to the present day with their own voice.

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Repulsion Switch - Demo 2021

A kick­ass lit­tle de­mo from some Buenos Aires group or per­son, stand­ing with one foot in the con­tem­po­rary pud­dle of lock­down-in­duced DIY garage punk, the oth­er one im­mersed deep in­to lay­ers of ear­ly eight­ies hard­core punk with a lit­tle bit of that cer­tain KBD-style grime on top. Sim­ple, eco­nom­ic and ef­fec­tive.

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Finale - 225 o​.​p​.​m​.

One of Spain's best kept se­crets has fi­nal­ly made it in­to the garage punk big league as ev­i­denced by their new 7" on Sloven­ly Record­ings, con­tain­ing what is with­out doubt their strongest set of tunes yet, con­fi­dent and catchy as fuck while keep­ing their dis­tinct weirdo edge in­tact, find­ing a per­fect mid­dle ground be­tween the par­tic­u­lar ec­cen­tric­i­ties of acts like Erik Ner­vous, Re­al­i­ty Group, R.M.F.C. or Neo Neos.

Al­bum-Stream →

Stalled Minds - Shades

It's been a whop­ping five years since this Paris group's de­but EP but the wait has paid off hand­some­ly on their first full length re­lease, de­liv­er­ing an end­less stream of high-oc­tane melod­ic (garage-)punk smash­ers in the vein of groups like Cheap Whine, Short Days, Red Dons and Telecult… you might al­so sense a hint of Marked Men, Roy­al Headache or The Ther­mals. In a few in­stances, the song­writ­ing doesn't quite cut it and that's when they veer dager­ous­ly close to shal­low pop punk ter­ri­to­ry. How­ev­er, when they hit, they hit hard and even man­age to evoke a sub­tle retro 60s pow­er pop vibe along the way.

Al­bum-Stream →

Pleaser - Demo

A spec­tac­u­lar first im­pres­sion of a Copen­hagen group play­ing a rather un­con­ven­tion­al mix of post punk, hard- and post­core in­cor­po­rat­ing a rare sense of melody and a strong psy­che­del­ic, al­most shoegaze-y un­der­cur­rent. Al­so, think­ing of the Copen­hagen scene, you can't help but reg­is­ter a faint echo of ear­ly Iceage and Low­er.

Metdog - Certified Lover Dog

Metdog's fourth ex­tend­ed play is yet an­oth­er trea­sure trove of play­ful and easy­go­ing garage punk… let's not talk about eggs again here. Ad­mir­ers of R.M.F.C., Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. or Sa­tan­ic To­gas will aprove of this, just as i'm gonna make an ex­cep­tion here and give my full ap­proval for the use of au­to-tune or vocoder or what­ev­er that shit in the clos­ing track is… fuck­ing art, i guess.

Al­bum-Stream →

Pinch Points - Reasons To Be Anxious /​ Boy

Pinch Points are now join­ing the Ex­plod­ing In Sound ros­ter, eh? Not the most ob­vi­ous choice i'd say but who cares… as long as they're gonna stay as ra­zor sharp as on their lat­est 7", once again com­ing across like a more straight­for­ward Re­al­i­ty Group or a no-bull­shit vari­ant of Ura­ni­um Club.