The 2019 de­mo by this Wash­ing­ton, D.C. group had its very own thrills al­ready, but their de­but 7" on 11 PM Records is a dif­fer­ent kind of beast al­to­geth­er, way more fo­cused in its vi­sion and ben­e­fit­ing from in­creased pro­duc­tion val­ues. The open­ing track Blood Runs Through is the prime ex­am­ple here for what makes them spe­cial - a gen­er­al catchy­ness and sense of melody rarely heard in con­tem­po­rary hard­core punk col­lides with straight­for­ward riffs that of­ten seem to orig­i­nate from the old­school "heavy" met­al play­book rather than clas­sic hard­core, wo­ven in­to slight­ly ec­cen­tric song struc­tures that al­ways have a sur­prise or two up their sleeves. At their best, they kin­da come across like an un­like­ly fu­sion of Cü­lo and Naked Ray­gun.