Damn, that's some top-notch qual­i­ty old­school post­core shit here, the kind ca­pa­ble of trans­port­ing mid­dle-aged fucks like me in­to high­er spheres, elab­o­rate yet un­pre­ten­tious and with a melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty that evokes the glo­ry days of Vol­cano Suns, Mov­ing Tar­gets and Mis­sion of Bur­ma. The mon­u­men­tal open­ing suite, on the oth­er hand, kin­da re­minds me of Dra­goon, the open­ing be­he­moth of Bitch Magnet's fi­nal al­bum Ben Hur. Oth­er­wise, 90s Dischord in­flu­ences rule supreme here with ubiq­ui­tous echoes of the likes of Au­to­clave, Bluetip, Hoover, Crown­hate Ru­in, Kerosene 454, ear­ly Jaw­box… you name it! And yeah, of course there's al­so a bit of Fugazi go­ing on but i'd say they're far from a pri­ma­ry in­flu­ence here. Hun­gry Man are able to pull off all that with­out com­ing across like a dull ripoff and rather like a band who val­ues its in­flu­ences, yet per­fect­ly stands on its own two feet, speak­ing in­to the present day with their own voice.