The Missed - Activation

Af­ter their more pow­er pop-lean­ing de­but EP, the first full length of this Cleve­land group fea­tur­ing Ner­vosas' Mick­ey Marie on gui­tar and vo­cals, while not a ex­act­ly de­par­ture from their pre­vi­ous record, ex­pands their col­or palette quite a bit. Over­all the vibe here is more grim and melan­choly, steer­ing clos­er to moody yet melod­ic post punk ter­ri­to­ry with a dis­tinct Wipers in­flu­ence while once again prov­ing their stun­ning abil­i­ty at craft­ing catchy and unique hooks. Of more re­cent bands, you might con­sid­er them in a loose­ly re­lat­ed Or­bit to groups like The Es­tranged and Day­light Rob­bery.

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Spodee Boy - Neon Lights

These Nashville garage punks' lat­est EP con­tin­ues the strong cow­punk vibes that took cen­ter stage rough­ly since their Rides Again EP, this time mak­ing a much stronger case for their vi­sion though, thanks to a much im­proved song sub­stance and a su­per tight per­for­mance, which ain't all that sur­pris­ing once you learn that at least in their cur­rent in­car­na­tion, these ap­pear to be the ex­act same dudes oth­er­wise known as Safe­ty Net. The two mid­dle tracks Barn Burn­er and The Plan then again have a bit of a Flat Worms or - quite fit­ting­ly - The Cow­boy feel to them.

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Belly Jelly - The Universal Language

A new LP by Bel­ly Jel­ly aka Sean Al­berts of Skull Cult, Dum­my & QQQL fame (…and not of Safe­ty Net, as i wrong­ly sus­pect­ed at some point) al­ways means a fresh new caf­feine rush as he adds his trade­mark Skull Cult in­san­i­ty to a breed of synth- and garage punk bear­ing at least some re­sem­blance to house­hold names of the Aus­muteants, Iso­tope Soap, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Erik Ner­vous or Use­less Eaters va­ri­ety.

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Kat Haus - Flesh

While this cana­di­an dude's pre­vi­ous EP was plen­ty of fun al­ready, his newest one is even bet­ter. Ec­cen­tric and at times rather kinky garage punk this is, kin­da like a more laid-back Erik Ner­vous or Liq­uids with some Mod­ern Lovers-es­que pro­to punk vibes or a more en­er­getic vari­ant of the re­cent Peace De Ré­sis­tance al­bum. Then again, Who? comes across as kind of a goth/​dark wave/​dance punk hy­brid, which he al­so man­ages to pull off smooth­ly.

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Die TV - Side A

Fun DIY punk shit by some dude based in Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey, os­cil­lat­ing be­tween the poles of elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven garage- /​synth punk and bizarro post punk with some quirky, over-the top goth stylings. Think of a mix be­tween S.B.F., Set-Top Box, Stal­ins of Sound or ear­ly Kid Chrome… fans of The Spits or Iso­tope Soap shouldn't miss out on this as well.

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Rip Room - Alight and Resound

This San Fran­cis­co group just de­liv­ered a stun­ning­ly con­fi­dent de­but LP made up of smart post punk and post­core, burst­ing with elab­o­rate, dra­matur­gi­cal­ly dense song struc­tures, tight­ly in­ter­lock­ing grooves and arrange­ments. In the con­tem­po­rary land­scape you might com­pare bits and pieces of this record to an ex­pan­sive clus­ter of groups like Bat­piss, Meat Wave, Bloody Gears, Stuck, Bench Press, Noughts, Lithics or Tu­nic. Go­ing a bit fur­ther back in time, you might aswell rec­og­nize the oblig­a­tory bit of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, Fugazi or Jaw­box, even find some Wire-es­que flour­ish­es in there if you just lis­ten close­ly enough.

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Poison Ruïn - Not Today, Not Tomorrow

Dun­geon punk's chief am­bas­sadors be­stow up­on us the gift of three new bat­tle cries and oh boy, are they get­ting more epic, de­ter­mined, elab­o­rate and ridicu­lous with each re­lease… and i'm all down for it!

Mitraille - Mitraille

The Bel­gian garage punks' first full length re­lease is hands down their strongest ef­fort so far, a bot­tom­less well of de­ment­ed fun some­where in­be­tween more straight­for­ward garage fare á la Sick Thoughts, Shit­ty Life, Dadar and the ever-so-slight­ly more eleborate/​artsy Ex-Cult, Tyvek or Shark Toys va­ri­ety.

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L'appel Du Vide - Abwärtsspirale

An ex­cel­lent dis­patch from the Chem­nitz post punk scene most­ly evok­ing com­par­isons to Berlin based acts á la Diät, Pi­geon or Pret­ty Hurts, al­though you might al­so find some sem­blance of Stuttgart's Karies in there. The clear high­lights on here are the al­most bal­ladesque songs Delir­i­um and Das Pro­gramm, reach­ing melod­ic heights akin to the very best of Sieve­head, Pu­ri­tans or the most re­cent Crim­i­nal Code LP.

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Beta Máximo - Spain Vice

Span­ish garage pop­pers Be­ta Máx­i­mo al­ready left a rather pos­i­tive im­pres­sion on me with their cou­ple of fair­ly re­cent EPs but with this one, they're fi­nal­ly nail­ing it if you ask me, strik­ing a per­fect bal­ance be­tween snap­py garage punk and surf-in­fused pow­er pop - kin­da like a some­what less eggy, less lo-fi in­car­na­tion of Barcelona group Prison Af­fair.

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