Ambulanz - Ambulanz

The Leipzig scene de­liv­ers re­li­able qual­i­ty once again with this EP made up of hy­per­ac­tive garage-/post punk bas­tardiza­tions call­ing to mind a clus­ter of groups á la Ony­on, Pat­ti, Big Bop­per, Warm Red, Cat Scan, Rogue… a bit of Ex-Cult & Con­stant Mon­grel, maybe??

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Cult Objects - Secrets of Pain​-​Free Living

The de­but Al­bum of this Philadel­phia group is, in a word, fuck­ing im­pres­sive. Ver­sa­tile, in­ven­tive post punk this is, mov­ing about somwhere in­be­tween the repet­i­tive ab­strac­tion of Nots, the no-bull­shit di­rect at­tack of Lié, grooves, noise erup­tions and melod­ic tex­tures rem­i­nis­cent of ear­ly Pro­tomar­tyr, some sparkling Son­ic Youth-es­que walls of noise and the re­lent­less propul­sion of Ner­vosas, then clos­ing out the al­bum with a jam en­veloped in a thick psy­che­del­ic haze.

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Dehidratált Fejek - Igyad Azt Menjünk

Damn, i thought i was done blog­ging for the week and then this un­ex­pect­ed lit­tle gem of crude and sham­bol­ic noise by a Bu­dapest group crops up last minute, their sound strik­ing me as a pe­cu­liar fu­sion of odd­ball garage punk in the Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­sion Ring and UV Race vein with sim­i­lar­ly weird acts in the post punk and old­school in­die rock field such as Tree­house, Kitchen's Floor, The Molds and City Yelps.

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The Wilful Boys - World Ward Word Sword

Here's an­oth­er one i al­most missed. The newest LP by New York's Wil­ful Boys de­liv­ers ten tight blows of noise rock ob­vi­ous­ly pulling lots of in­spi­ra­tion from the clas­sic sludge-heavy Am­Rep era - Cows, es­pe­cial­ly - plus maybe a few touch­es of U-Men, Feed­time and 80's Sci­en­tists… while sound­ing per­fect­ly con­tem­po­rary at the same time, some­times strik­ing a sim­i­lar chord to groups such as Help!, Tu­nic, John (Timest­wo), USA Nails or Death Pan­els.

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Ex-Gold - We Are Good

I al­most over­looked this beau­ty which ap­pears to have been out for a cou­ple months al­ready. Knoxville's Ex-Gold had put out a de­light­ful de­but EP in 2018, a cou­ple of whose songs have al­so been re-record­ed for this new one while the new tracks seam­less­ly con­tin­ue the ex­cel­lence of their de­but. That means more quirky pow­er­pop and garage punk with both a slight '77- and an old­school in­die rock touch. The best com­par­i­son i can come up with right now are UK wise­crack­ers Pro­to Id­iot but fans of stuff like Tom­my and the Com­mies, Bad Sports, Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Sweet Reaper, Cor­ner Boys or Steve Adamyk Band should al­so get a kick out of this.

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McQQeen - II

An ex­quis­ite jet-pro­pelled rack­et, the sec­ond long­play­er by Athens, Geor­gia group Mc­QQeen - now proud­ly car­ry­ing the Big Neck Records seal of qual­i­ty. What kin­da starts out a bit in the vein of bands á la Flat Worms, The Cow­boy and Fash­ion Pimps & The Glama­zons with a con­spic­u­ous Psychedelic/​Space Rock un­der­cur­rent then ex­pands in­to a quite com­pre­hen­sive sweep through much of what is and has been great on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage punk, noise rock, post punk and -core in­clud­ing con­tem­po­rary acts of the Metz, John (Timest­wo) or Spray Paint kind as well as the oc­ca­sion­al flour­ish of De­struc­tion Unit's space punk ex­cess, the fuzz punk or­gies of ear­ly The Men, even some slight touch­es of U-Men or McLusky are to be found in there.

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Welt Star - Ich Hasse Blumen

Some fa­mil­iar faces at work here, al­though it takes some de­tec­tive work to un­tan­gle the neb­u­lous web of con­nec­tions es­pe­cial­ly of gui­tar play­er and vo­cal­ist Robert Pawliczek. That dude has played in a lot of groups al­though i can't ex­act­ly con­firm all of them. So he seems to have had a hand at, among oth­ers, Heavy Met­al, Bob­by Would, Nee­dle Ex­change, Itchy Bug­ger, Pit­va… al­so, pos­si­bly, Diät and Id­io­ta Civ­i­liz­za­to? Of those two i'm the least sure. On bass du­ty, we ap­pear to have the same Bill Gray known of Bands like Shark Toys, Re­arranged Face. And this be­ing a Re­fry Records re­lease, of course they've got Vin­ny "Vaguess" Ear­ley com­plet­ing the line-up on drums. As you might have sus­pect­ed, the mu­sic fuckin' rips too, their post punk with some garage over­tones strik­ing me kin­da like a su­per brit­tle and dry ver­sion of Rank/​Xerok or the afore­men­tioned Diät.

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Cluttered Grotto - Cluttered Grotto

Con­sist­ing of a mix of pre­vi­ous­ly re­leased songs, some re-record­ings, a cou­ple new tunes and a Mis­fits cov­er, this tape is so far the most ac­com­plished re­lease of this dude from Con­cord, Cal­i­for­nia who's op­er­at­ing com­fort­ably with­in some well-es­tab­lished con­tem­po­rary garage punk pa­ra­me­ters of the clear­ly eggy kind - fans of (so­lo) Erik Ner­vous, Nuts, Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box or Met­dog will sure­ly ap­prove of this shit.

Al­bum-Stream →

Nasty Party - Loaded Dice

While i couldn't quite warm up to the pre­vi­ous EP of Sydney's Nasty Par­ty, with their newest re­lease they re­al­ly hit the spot once again just like their did with their bril­liant de­but EP. Tread­ing in some­what sim­i­lar ter­ri­to­ry to Mekons- and Tele­vi­sion Per­son­al­i­ties-wor­ship­ping groups á la Sub­ur­ban Homes, Sil­i­cone Val­ues or Pro­to Id­iot, they round things off with a strong Buz­zcocks fla­vor.

Cosme - Demo No. 2

Just like its pre­de­ces­sor, this new tape by Cosme from Ciu­dad López Ma­teos, Mex­i­co is a thor­ough­ly joy­ful ride. While the open­ing track goes all-in with its synth wave vibes and the clos­er dab­bles in a bit of hard­core, the two mid­dle tracks con­tin­ue the first tape's ap­proach of garage- and fuzz punk with that sug­ary syn­the­siz­er coat­ing on top. All of that works out just beau­ti­ful­ly.

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